
Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

I also agree with the points, that the new colors look weird in light mode and the new upload page being less good. (not just the parent/child colors, but the tag colors as well, especially purple)

In addition, I think the bold font on the tag edit doesn't look good, it looks fuzzy. (None of these seem to be problems limited by web browser btw.)

How would the enter shortcut removal work on mobile? I currently use desktop display when i browse Danbooru on mobile, and there isn't a control button on my keyboard. As such, i would always have to go click the commit edit button if i were to edit tags.
Maybe "Change shortcut to caps + enter if the user has Use Desktop Display toggle" is an option?

If you have feedback about the color scheme, please say whether you're using light mode or dark mode, and whether you have colored usernames turned on or off. It's hard to tell what people are talking about when some people are saying "it's too bright" while others are saying "it's too dark".

To answer a few questions:

  • The "Fetch source data" box has icons linking to the artist's profile pages now. I consider this a fix for removing the artist URLs from the related tags. They were removed because the usability was terrible. It was this big unsorted list of URLs, too hard to read, too big to even fit on the screen in many cases, especially on smaller screens or in the shift+E tag edit box. It messed up the layout and was useless a lot of the time, especially if you were just tagging a post, not uploading.
  • Dark mode has a slightly darker background and slightly more saturated colors than before. This is because it was changed to use the same color palette as light mode, and light mode uses more saturated colors. This may be tweaked. Decreasing the contrast however basically means increasing the brightness of the background.
  • Light mode colors were tweaked to bring some things a bit closer to what they were before. Keep in mind that most major colors were already nearly identical to what they were before. Things that changed were usually because they had poor contrast before (especially things like Gold and Builder username colors, which were almost indistinguishable from Members, or child post borders), or because they had uneven brightness levels compared to similar colors. There's a color palette test page here if you're tweaking colors yourself.

kittey said:

New API keys are much shorter than old keys (24 vs. 43 characters). Is that intentional?

It looks like it was an unintentional change two years ago in issue #3277. Before it was 43 characters encoded in base64, giving 256 bits of entropy (log2(64) * 43 = 256). Now it's 24 characters encoded in base58, giving 140 bits of entropy (log2(58) * 24). This is still more than enough entropy. For reference, if you tried to guess 1 million API keys per second for 10 years straight, you would still only be able to guess a 48 bit key.

text-stroke: .5px is blurry and very hard on the eyes, at least on Firefox/Linux. Why are you not using font-weight: bold for bolding?

Using bold makes the text wider, which makes long tags wrap to a new line, which causes the layout to shift. It makes it hard to click on tags when you're going down the list and the tags keep on moving.

I tested text-stroke on Chrome and Firefox under Windows, Linux (Fedora 33), and Android, and the font rendering was about the same on all of them.

Re: comment threshold change on 2021-01-22, please expand the range. I originally had it at +999 so comments were effectively hidden. Perhaps there's now a proper way to hide comments?

I'd also like the options to disable keyboard shortcuts and tag autocomplete reinstated; these are things I only ever interact with accidentally.


Nell said:

Re: comment threshold change on 2021-01-22, please expand the range. I originally had it at +999 so comments were effectively hidden. Perhaps there's now a proper way to hide comments?

Use custom css:

#comments {display:none}

Nell said:

I'd also like the options to disable keyboard shortcuts and tag autocomplete reinstated; these are things I only ever interact with accidentally.

Disabling keyboard shortcuts and tag autocomplete was removed because almost nobody ever disabled them and nobody wants to maintain features that almost nobody uses. There’s a user script to disable tag autocomplete in forum #179355.

Nell said:

Re: comment threshold change on 2021-01-22, please expand the range. I originally had it at +999 so comments were effectively hidden. Perhaps there's now a proper way to hide comments?

I'd also like the options to disable keyboard shortcuts and tag autocomplete reinstated; these are things I only ever interact with accidentally.

The range is intentionally limited because hiding all comments is not what this setting is designed for. There were some users who set their comment threshold to random positive values and I don't think they understood what they were really doing. It also makes less sense in the new system since comments are never completely hidden.

The Download button on the posts page does not respect the Disable tagged filenames user setting. Tags are included in the filename when clicking the Download button even when the Disable tagged filenames setting is set to Yes.
Right click -> Save As on the image still respects the setting.

There was a brief window of time in the last site update where, for a few minutes immediately after the update, if you visited the site then your cookies were reset and you had to login again. This has been fixed, but if you were on the site during that brief window, then your cookies were still lost. If you got logged out and can't remember your password, you can go here to reset your password if you have an email on your account, or you can contact me if not.

Are the red and green upvote and downvote arrows being replaced by cat emojis part of the newest change? I couldn't tell they were holding signs on my desktop monitor and thought it was a glitch.

tapnek said:

Are the red and green upvote and downvote arrows being replaced by cat emojis part of the newest change? I couldn't tell they were holding signs on my desktop monitor and thought it was a glitch.

Check the date.

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