post #9000000 GET!

alias beans -> bean

Posted under Tags

BUR #4565 has been rejected.

create alias beans -> bean
create alias berries -> berry
create alias peas -> pea

Not sure if there needs to be a plural form tag in addition to its singular form tag. Since the the legume's fruit and vegetable brethren are tagged in the singular form, it's only logical that it follows!

Its child tags "senzu bean", "soybean", and etc. are all in the singular form as well, I may add.

But what about post #2862320? Using my state of the art visual optic sensors (eyes), I can deduce that there is only a singular bean in this image.

To tag this image with "beans" would be a lie. A farce. An outright fib. For every image that contains a plurality of beans contains at least one singular bean... but not every image containing a singular bean contains multiple!

The vast majority of images tagged with "cloud" feature more than one cloud. One could argue the tag should be "clouds." But sometimes... there only is one cloud! Thanks to the "cloud" being singular, we are prepared for radical situations like these, if they should occur.

I'm going to do something radical. Absolutely HOG WILD, if you will. I'm looking at all of our berry tags. We have 55 different berry tags. And every single one is singular!

aguav berry
aspear berry
belue berry
blackberry (fruit)
bluk berry
charti berry
cheri berry
chesto berry
chople berry
coba berry
cornn berry
durin berry
figy berry
grepa berry
haban berry
hondew berry
hot ring strawberry
kee berry
kelpsy berry
leppa berry
liechi berry
lum berry
magost berry
nomel berry
occa berry
papaya berry
pecha berry
pinap berry
pomeg berry
qualot berry
rabuta berry
rawst berry
razz berry
rindo berry
salac berry
schuca berry
sitrus berry
speleon berry
stuffed strawberry
tomato berry
wacan berry
watmel berry
wepear berry
wiki berry
wikki berry
yache berry

I'm adding berries and peas to the BUR. Because it'd be easier to change 3 tags than, uh, 50+ tags.