
Aliases for holding character and giant (helps people familiar with e621)

Posted under Tags

BUR #3638 has been rejected.

create alias holding_character -> holding_person
create alias macroscopic -> giant
create alias macrophilia -> giant
create alias giga -> giant

"holding_character" is a common tag on e621, which is replaced by holding cat, holding pokemon, holding person etc here. Aliasing "holding_character" to holding person should aid people familiar with e621 with finding similar posts here.

For the rest, "macro" is a common tag on e621, which is replaced by giant and giantess here. Aliasing these similar words to giant should aid people familiar with e621 with finding similar posts here.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3638 (forum #174047) has been rejected by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

"character" could mean many things, including pokemon and animal characters, so that would be a dangerous alias.

As for giants, I just noticed that here on danbooru we have giant and giantess but they are separated. Regardless of this alias, giantess should imply giant for consistency (there's no clause for male-only usage in giant).

Agree with Hillside, Giantess would overwhelm the Giant tag, which seems to be more focused on giant male characters or giant fantastical creatures and beings.

About the BUR, these aliases won't be very helpful because e621 treats giant characters as a completely genderless tag with different levels of gigantification, which is a different approach from danbooru. There's also an topic to request Cross-Booru aliases that was created some time ago, topic #17325.


Wait a minute... That "overwhelm" might indicate a flag - a tag which says "male giant focus" or something similar to how we handle "male focus" stuff.

EDIT: I knew "male giant focus" is going to be a "thing" - See NWF and iridescent below.


mongirlfan said:

Or just separate giantess for female characters, and giant for male characters, I mean, they are likely counterparts to minigirl and miniboy.

Beings who are of great stature and tower over their surroundings and others.

Can be applied to characters that were drawn to be giant; a character growing very tall (example: Kinomoto Sakura using "The Big" Clow card), humanoid beings, and creatures.

Giant isn´t only about giant male characters, but every living thing that is way more larger then their surroundings. A giantess is included in this wiki, just as NNT stated. For what you suggest is a tag, that´s more specific for giant male characters, or otherwise we would lose the "creature" part. On the other hand: everyone that does want to search giant could easily make a search for "giant -giantess", so it´s not that much of a problem.
Or edit the wiki and state that giant shouldn´t be used for giant female characters.

Personally I´m +1 for NNT.


Macroscopic means "visible to the naked eye", not giant. Please at least look up the definitions of words you're unfamiliar with before you start proposing aliases involving them. Also, follow the guidelines in howto:wiki and do not make entries for nonexistent tags.


As for the giant discussion, I'll second NWF Renim's proposal to create a giant_male tag. Without this tag there is no way to search for giant men without having to deal with loads and loads of false positives or false negatives.

iridescent_slime said:

As for the giant discussion, I'll second NWF Renim's proposal to create a giant_male tag. Without this tag there is no way to search for giant men without having to deal with loads and loads of false positives or false negatives.

No way to search for giant men? Why isn't there just a "male" tag? We could have 1boy 2boys etc implicate "male".

aaronfranke said:

No way to search for giant men? Why isn't there just a "male" tag? We could have 1boy 2boys etc implicate "male".

  • "Male" would be a pointless tag, as kittey already pointed out. There's a reason the male wiki entry says not to use this tag.
  • It wouldn't help anyway, as even in the hypothetical situation that we populated male, a giant male search would still produce false positives like post #3823884 and post #3899002.
  • You could search for giant male_focus instead, but this excludes all the posts with a significant female presence, like post #1726901 and post #2861743.

There is no good way to search specifically for giant men unless there is a tag specifically used for giant men.

I took a deep look at the various tags for the concept of gigantic things and they're honestly kind of a mess.

We have giantess for giant women, giant for "everything giant" (including women), then giant monster (of which the distinction to kaijuu escapes me), and then various other tags like giant snake, giant_tree and then an alias from giant animal to oversized animal. And then the above mentioned mecha.

I think having the tag "giant" as a concept and then everything else implied to it is worth enough - sure, a lot of giantess may be fetish art but this is not like the other male/female fetish tags: there's also a lot of generic fantasy and sci-fi art where it's worth enough to have an umbrella for the whole category. Stuff like post #3840743 or post #4104747 have the same theme running, it'd be moronic to try and force a distinction.

So basically my proposal is having giantess and giant male (once populated) imply giant, along with maybe giant tree, giant snake and other specific tags that appear often in tropes. There's some nuances to think of like giant insect being for actually oversized insects still smaller than people, so that can't be implied.
