
create implication pepperbox_revolver -> revolver

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I don't think this is as self-explanatory as it seems. Notably the "pepperbox_revolver" is fairly different from a traditional revolver and the wikipedia article does not actually call it a revolver, instead simply calling it a "Pepper-box". The wiki is a bit mixed in usage using "revolver" for the images, but in the description it specifically refers to the revolver as a later development.

The definition of revolver wiki also does not match with the pepperbox, as the definition specifically states: A revolver is a handgun with a cylinder containing multiple rounds (usually five or six) and a barrel for firing. This matches with Merriam-Webster's definition of a revolver: a handgun with a cylinder of several chambers brought successively into line with the barrel and discharged with the same hammer.

Wikipedia on revolver: "[...] a repeating handgun that has a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers (each holding a single cartridge) and at least one barrel for firing" (emphasis mine).

Did you know that each barrel of a pepperbox has a chamber? Or rather, each chamber has its own barrel. It would be really weird to not fit a cartridge into a chamber. I admit it may not be obvious that a pepperbox be like that (a "revolver"), but it do be like that.

I'm more about implicating to handgun at least but revolver still stands so people don't go calling it a pistol.


The issue with trying to implicate the tag to handgun is that pepper-box describes the mechanism of the gun alone and not which kind of gun it is, whether handgun or long gun. The wikipedia article itself has a photo of a pepper-box carbine showing this to be the case. It's why I don't believe the revolver tag should have an implication to handgun either, as things like post #4126295 exists.

As for the implication to revolver, I really think visually the pepper-box is visually distinct enough from a normal revolver to warrant not lumping them together.

Unfortunately even if pistol is incorrect, it will end up a common mistag due to the fact that in common usage the word pistol is used interchangeable with the word for handgun. You can see this currently with the revolver tag, see revolver pistol search. An implication won't resolve this issue because of this.

This is like calling a Gatling gun a revolver because it has a revolving mechanism. Normally when I think of a revolver I think of a traditional handgun with a single barrel and a cylinder with multiple chambers.

More generally, I think this is another case of gun people trying to use the implication system to force gun tags into some overly elaborate tag hierarchy. This inevitably leads to weird corner cases when not everything fits into a neat hierarchy. It also leads to a lot of complicated technical distinctions that non-gun nerds don't understand (like the difference between pistol and handgun, for example).