post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.


Not really an issue but activating Safebooru using would be nice tho, as this will add more shortcuts (other than rating:safe tag, user settings - safe mode, and

This alliteration was inspired from Google's SafeSearch:

  • On mobile, posts now show the sample image size (850px) instead of the original image size, even if you have original images enabled in your settings.

Apologies if this is the wrong place for this, but why did this happen? Personally, it was really convenient seeing the original images without having to leave the page. It was possible to see the full resolution and scroll down for the comments/tags/stats seamlessly. As it currently is, in order to get the original resolution, we have to click the “view original” and go to an entirely new page with only the image.

Idkwhythis123 said:

Personally, it was really convenient seeing the original images without having to leave the page. It was possible to see the full resolution and scroll down for the comments/tags/stats seamlessly. As it currently is, in order to get the original resolution, we have to click the “view original” and go to an entirely new page with only the image.

topic #14866 / issue #4307

If you want to see the full size "seamlessly", then just use the desktop mode instead.

Apologies if this is the wrong place for this...

Yeah, this topic is mostly for reporting bugs. If you have a complaint against a feature, opening up a new thread will prevent the derailing of this thread.

Site update

  • Reworked the appeal system:
    • Appealed posts are sent back to the modqueue. They show up in the modqueue page and in status:modqueue, status:unmoderated, and status:appealed, but not in status:pending or in normal searches. Protip: search status:modqueue order:modqueue instead of status:pending to get the modqueue view outside the modqueue.
    • Raised the appeal limit. Before the limit was 1 appeal per day. Now each appeal costs 3 upload slots. This means that if you have 15 upload slots, you can appeal 5 posts at once, but you won't be able to appeal or upload more until your appeals are approved or rejected. Think carefully about what you appeal, because if your appeals aren't approved you may have to wait three days before you can upload or appeal again.
    • Users with unlimited uploads have unlimited appeals.
    • Flagged posts can't be appealed any more.
  • Reworked flags:
    • Removed the rule that new users can't flag in their first week.
    • Changed flag limits. Before the flag limit was 1 flag per day for regular Members, and 10 flags per day for Gold+ users. Now it's 5 flags in the modqueue at once normally, or unlimited flags if you meet certain requirements. The requirements are having at least 30 flags in the last 3 months, and maintaining a 70% flagging success ratio over the same period.
    • Because it normally takes three days for a flagged post to be deleted, the 5 flags at once limit effectively means you get 5 flags every three days.
  • Other upload changes:
    • Raised the upload filesize limit from 35 megabytes to 50 megabytes.
    • Unapproved posts are now deleted once per hour, instead of once per day. Previously it was possible for posts to survive in the modqueue for up to 4 days, if a post was uploaded just after the daily cutoff.
    • New uploads that are manually deleted before the 3 day limit will take up 5 upload slots. This means that if a new uploader uploads 3 bad posts that get manually deleted, all 15 of their upload slots will be used up, so they'll have to wait 3 days to upload again.
  • Tags with incorrect counts are now fixed hourly instead of daily.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented pending posts from being deleted after three days.
  • Fixed an exception when viewing old invalid filetype:zip posts.
  • Fixed the submit and cancel buttons not having enough space beneath them in dialog boxes.
  • Fixed Nijie uploads not working.
  • Fixed bugs with parsing quoted strings in metatag searches.
API Changes
  • Added ability to search /post_versions for a list of changed tags.
    • /post_versions?search[changed_tags]=... was changed to /post_versions?search[all_changed_tags]=... for this.
  • Appeals and flags have a status field now. Valid statuses are pending (meaning the post is in the modqueue), succeeded (meaning the appeal was approved, or the flagged post was deleted), and rejected (meaning the appealed post was deleted, or the flagged post was approved).
  • The is_resolved field for flags is deprecated now.

Full changelog:


evazion said:

    • Changed flag limits. Before the flag limit was 1 flag per day for regular Members, and 10 flags per day for Gold+ users. Now it's 5 flags in the modqueue at once normally, or unlimited flags if you meet certain requirements. The requirements are having at least 30 flags in the last 3 months, and maintaining a 70% flagging success ratio over the same period.
    • Because it normally takes three days for a flagged post to be deleted, the 5 flags at once limit effectively means you get 5 flags every three days

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding this but does this not mean that if you flag something which should not have been flagged, and it then gets reapproved, you get another flag as it is no longer in the queue? So (unlimited flags aside) the worse your flagging is the more flags you get to do?

skylightcrystal said:

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding this but does this not mean that if you flag something which should not have been flagged, and it then gets reapproved, you get another flag as it is no longer in the queue? So (unlimited flags aside) the worse your flagging is the more flags you get to do?

I wanted to say it's not the case, but I tested it on testbooru and it appears you are correct. I have opened issue #4587 for this problem.

Looks like problem.

evazion said:

API Changes
  • Added ability to search /post_versions for a list of changed tags.
    • /post_versions?search[changed_tags]=... was changed to /post_versions?search[all_changed_tags]=... for this.

This change broke the tag history page on wiki pages...

EDIT: To clarify, the old changed_tags thingy is still used by tag history on wiki pages at the time I report this problem.


Travley_ZeroFaithedHypocrite said:

Looks like problem.

This change broke the tag history page on wiki pages...

EDIT: To clarify, the old changed_tags thingy is still used by tag history on wiki pages at the time I report this problem.

It was fixed but not deployed.

Travley_ZeroFaithedHypocrite said:

Another mini-problem.

At the time I noticed this, a banned user, user #761543 has 75/10 upload limit? Possible glitch?

Mysterious_Uploader said:

That can happen if you upload multiple artworks in a short amount of time, so that they bypass the limit.

You are reading it wrong, it means 75 of his 10 uploads slots are used up, posts deleted before 3 days are up now costs 5 upload slots for 3 days and since he had 15 uploads deleted that amounts to 75 slots taken.

Error when uploading post #4054986 via Bookmarklet:

error: Document tree depth limit exceeded


ArgumentError exception raised
app/logical/danbooru/http/html_adapter.rb:8:in decode'
app/logical/sources/strategies/hentai_foundry.rb:70:in page'
app/logical/sources/strategies/hentai_foundry.rb:41:in image_urls'
app/logical/sources/strategies/base.rb:77:in image_url'
app/logical/sources/strategies/base.rb:149:in remote_size'
app/logical/upload_service/controller_helper.rb:11:in prepare'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:8:in `new'

The commentary fetcher doesn't work, either.

Site update

  • Moved the artist tag to the top of the tag list.
  • Changed the font inside text edit boxes, including inside the tag edit box.
  • Appeal changes:
    • Appeal reasons are now optional.
    • Appeals are now automatically crossposted to the deletion appeal thread. New appeals are crossposted once an hour.
    • Removed the "This post was flagged" and "This post was appealed" notices. Flags and appeals are now inside the "This post is pending" notice instead of being separate notices.
    • Appealed posts only show the currently active appeal, not previous appeals.
    • Flagged posts only show the currently active flag, not previous flags.
  • Fixed Tumblr uploads not grabbing the largest image in some cases.
  • Fixed slowness on the modqueue page.
  • Fixed rejected flags (flags that were reapproved) not counting against the user's flag limit.
  • Fixed status:appealed not showing posts when the deleted post filter option was enabled.
  • Fixed broken tag history links on the posts index page and on wiki pages.
  • Fixed it being possible to double ban a user. This would cause the second ban to incorrectly override the first ban.
API Changes
  • /tags: renamed 'search[has_wiki]' search option to 'search[has_wiki_page]'.
  • /forum_posts: removed 'search[topic_title_matches]' and 'search[topic_category_id]' options. Use 'search[forum_topic][title_matches]' and 'search[forum_topic][category_id]' instead.
  • /artist_commentary_versions: added 'search[text_matches]' option.

Full changelog:

Site update

  • Added upload support for Fanbox posts. Only public posts and non-age-restricted posts work. Paid posts or age-restricted posts (R-18) won't work.
  • Added upload support for Nijie doujins (ex:
  • Fixed text input boxes being too large on some pages.
  • Fixed ugoira controls being too large on large ugoiras.
  • Fixed shift+F incorrectly toggling the favorite button when pressing shift+F on a post that wasn't favorited.
  • Fixed error on IP address page.

Full changelog: