post #9000000 GET!

Change log for Danbooru 1.17.0

Posted under General

Some major changes:

- Newly registered members cannot upload posts or post comments during their first week.
- The post limit has been slashed from 16, based on the user's upload history. As an upside they can upload more as soon as their pending posts get approved. The exact limit can be read at and is probably subject to tweaking. But for the vast majority of new users, it's been reduced to 5.
- The ToS has been tweaked. Nothing surprising:

albert said:
Some major changes:

I like everything there. Especially how member-level upload slots are handled - much better. It rewards good uploaders (quick approval) with faster access to more slots, and sends a message to people getting everything deleted that they're doing something wrong. It should also help a lot in the mod queue.

The new TOS looks good too.


ToS said:
After the initial period, you can post up to one comment an hour and a variable number of posts based on how many of your previous uploads were approved or deleted.

Unfortunate, though, as your comments seem to be pretty good.


sgcdonmai said:
Are the comment limits different now, too? I seem to only be able to post one comment per hour now, even using the "Post without bumping" button.

Well, that in particular is taken care of; I've invited you. I have no idea how you managed to stay a member this long, I can only suspect that everyone just assumed you've already been invited long time ago, like I did.

albert said:
- Newly registered members cannot upload posts or post comments during their first week.

Including posting in this forum in that would block people who make accounts solely to do silly things like request images (like forum #17737). Or would that block too many legitimate posts?

RaisingK said: Including posting in this forum in that would block people who make accounts solely to do silly things like request images (like forum #17737). Or would that block too many legitimate posts?

We should probably leave forum posting open. We get unnecessary threads, but not a lot of them. Most casual users just probably don't look at the forum at all.

sgcdonmai said:
Probably because I didn't make much noise on the forum until just this week.
Thanks for the invite, Hazuki!

Dude, you weren't invited? The hell.

I have a suggestion for the mod queue, could we get some kind of indication whether a member is "Member" or "Privileged"?

(I also don't think the comment-per-hour thing should apply to "post without bumping", but that's just me)

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