albert said:
You can search for -touhou now (please don't do this).
Posted under General
Two big changes:
- Related tags are now colored by type. I had to reset the cache for this so the site may be a little slow for a few days.
- Added some basic Pixiv integration. When uploading Pixiv you can now fetch the artist (with a link to easily create a new Danbooru artist) and the Japanese tags.
albert said:
- Added some basic Pixiv integration. When uploading Pixiv you can now fetch the artist (with a link to easily create a new Danbooru artist) and the Japanese tags.
Seems like it always says that the artist doesn't exist yet. Tested with ixy and todoroki_sora, both have correct pixiv links/aliases and so on.
スラッシュ said:
Seems like it always says that the artist doesn't exist yet. Tested with ixy and todoroki_sora, both have correct pixiv links/aliases and so on.
I fixed a bug with capitalization so ixy should work now. todoroki_sora also seems to work.
Also, a few bugs with the related tag javascripts have been fixed. You may need to reset your cookies if you're getting strange Javascript errors (recent_tags and my_tags specifically).
albert said: - Related tags are now colored by type. I had to reset the cache for this so the site may be a little slow for a few days.
I'm usually already using Related [copy/char] anyway, but this is a good addition anyway.
- Added some basic Pixiv integration. When uploading Pixiv you can now fetch the artist (with a link to easily create a new Danbooru artist) and the Japanese tags.
I use danbooruup so I won't usually see this, but I tried uploading something from pixiv using the basic upload page - - and didn't notice anything different. I then tried upping something without an artist (heck without any tags) and didn't notice anything different there either. What am I missing?
Edit: Ohhhhh, so that's the bookmarklet. I have to admit, I have never seen this before. Haha, oops.
Hmm maybe this is a matter of preference... lately, I've been including only a sample image in the URL section of the artist entry. I link the main homepage/pixiv account page in the notes section. Recent example:
Part of the reason is that if someone were to not pay attention and just mass edit on the* address, it would be... disastrous. It seems to pick up the last few hundred pixiv posts from *any* artist with a* URL in their profile.
This goes for a few other things, either homepage or sample image page, where a URL is not account-unique (like older images, I think they only made the URL specific this past month or something?). Any time a mass edit would bring you incorrect results, I do not put the URL in the URL box.
Anyway tl;dr, albert, is it possible to make the script place only the sample image in the URL field and link the pixiv account page in the note field, with some basic format like:
Unless there is some compelling reason to put the account page in the URL box instead of the note field. I can't think of one but who knows?
Another thing.
When you use the page to help you create an entry, it puts the kanji/kana artist name in as the artist tag. I know automatically romanizing it was deemed too unreliable, but perhaps the "Name" field can be left blank for the user to fill in? Or autofilled with the alphanumeric account name from the direct image URL instead?
Anything is better than the raw Japanese. The last thing we want is to be flooded with kanji tags from people who think they're being given the green light to do so.
jxh2154 said:
mass edit on the* address, it would be... disastrous. It seems to pick up the last few hundred [...] posts
I think the questionmark is causing that. Try a preview search for ? and compare the results.
Unless there is some compelling reason to put the account page in the URL box instead of the note field.
Because artist URLs are searchable ?
Also works with Find Artist, but pixiv-id links shouldn't be in the source field anyway.
parasol said: Because artist URLs are searchable
That's a good reason. Though letting it search the note field as well seems like a good idea.Also works with Find Artist, but pixiv-id links shouldn't be in the source field anyway.
Well, anything that's not a direct image link shouldn't be in the source field, pixiv or not. So you'd (ideally) never be using Find Artist on a link like that.
The searchable part is a good point but I'm still loathe to put anything in the URL field that would lead to incorrect mass edit results. I've seen artist clusterfucks that, after comparing the URLs, I am almost certain were caused by a bad mass edit.
I'll make sure to put anything unambiguous in there though, even if it's not something we'd find artist/source: search on. Really I still often do this anyway, it's mostly pixiv account pages that I didn't like putting in the URL field.