post #9000000 GET!

create implication gigantamax_(...) -> (...), gigantamax

Posted under Tags

BUR #2676 has been approved by @evazion.


create implication gigantamax_venusaur -> venusaur
create implication gigantamax_charizard -> charizard
create implication gigantamax_blastoise -> blastoise
create implication gigantamax_butterfree -> butterfree
create implication gigantamax_pikachu -> pikachu
create implication gigantamax_meowth -> meowth
create implication gigantamax_machamp -> machamp
create implication gigantamax_gengar -> gengar
create implication gigantamax_kingler -> kingler
create implication gigantamax_lapras -> lapras
create implication gigantamax_eevee -> eevee
create implication gigantamax_snorlax -> snorlax
create implication gigantamax_garbodor -> garbodor
create implication gigantamax_rillaboom -> rillaboom
create implication gigantamax_cinderace -> cinderace
create implication gigantamax_inteleon -> inteleon
create implication gigantamax_corviknight -> corviknight
create implication gigantamax_orbeetle -> orbeetle
create implication gigantamax_drednaw -> drednaw
create implication gigantamax_coalossal -> coalossal
create implication gigantamax_flapple -> flapple
create implication gigantamax_appletun -> appletun
create implication gigantamax_sandaconda -> sandaconda
create implication gigantamax_toxtricity -> toxtricity
create implication gigantamax_centiskorch -> centiskorch
create implication gigantamax_hatterene -> hatterene
create implication gigantamax_grimmsnarl -> grimmsnarl
create implication gigantamax_alcremie -> alcremie
create implication gigantamax_copperajah -> copperajah
create implication gigantamax_duraludon -> duraludon
create implication gigantamax_venusaur -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_charizard -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_blastoise -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_butterfree -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_pikachu -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_meowth -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_machamp -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_gengar -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_kingler -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_lapras -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_eevee -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_snorlax -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_garbodor -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_rillaboom -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_cinderace -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_inteleon -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_corviknight -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_orbeetle -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_drednaw -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_coalossal -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_flapple -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_appletun -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_sandaconda -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_toxtricity -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_centiskorch -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_hatterene -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_grimmsnarl -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_alcremie -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_copperajah -> gigantamax
create implication gigantamax_duraludon -> gigantamax

Impliying Gigantamax forms.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2676 (forum #166656) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

kittey said:

There’s no need to bump BURs. There’s a list of all BURs and the DanbooruBot will bump topics when needed, so none will get lost.

OK, I think I will still bump BURs sometimes. Unless there's some kind of a rule against it or something.

This topic was buried on the 3rd page, behind some other BURs that got approved. Once I bumped it, a bunch of people upvoted it. DanbooruBot bumps BURs 5 days prior to automatically rejecting them... that's almost 2 months, right?

The page listing BURs are nice and DanbooruBot is nice too, but I think bumping was even better in this case.

A bit of a harsh tone here, huh.

But yeah, ten days aren't much time unless it's a really urgent request but urgent requests will be approved fairly quick.
Just give it time.

Anyway, +1 here.
Straight forward request, don't see any reasons against it.

Provence said:

A bit of a harsh tone here, huh.

But yeah, ten days aren't much time unless it's a really urgent request but urgent requests will be approved fairly quick.
Just give it time.

Anyway, +1 here.
Straight forward request, don't see any reasons against it.

OK, Provence. Fair enough.