Lacrimosa said:
And I'm referring to using the appeal function.
...huh? Do I really need to go slower? Yes, I understand I shouldn't request an image twice. But I requested post #3662903 and post #3651575 again on purpose to see if the rules were being taken seriously or not. And I was correct, it got undeleted when I requested it a second time. If you are NOT lying, and it is true that all of the janitors have seen a post being requested for appeal, why wasn't it undeleted the first time?
Now, when I replied " evidently not" to your first reply above to ask me to not request appeal for the same post a second time, I was referring to you saying "everyone has seen it". Your response to that is to post the two times I requested the same posts. Of course, it is obvious by that that you thought I meant I did NOT request appeal of the same posts. I hope this clears up your confusion.
Is this enough? Or should I write a longer posts with dictionary definitions?
Thank you for reading and sorry for taking your time, I hope we can reach an understanding. Good evening.