post #9000000 GET!

[REJECTED] (Dragalia Lost) Some English -> Japanese names

Posted under Tags

BUR #2052 has been rejected.

mass update euden -> char:eudiel_(dragalia_lost)
mass update elisanne -> char:elphyllis_(dragalia_lost)
mass update ranzal -> char:ranzarve_(dragalia_lost)
mass update zethia -> char:zethia_(dragalia_lost)
mass update cleo_(dragalia_lost) -> char:clau_(dragalia_lost)
mass update luca_(dragalia_lost) -> char:lucas_(dragalia_lost)
mass update notte_(dragalia_lost) -> char:nhaam_(dragalia_lost)

If approving this BUR, run BUR #2053 (later in this topic) first.

Reason: While we unfortunately don't have any source of intended romanizations for most characters in this game yet (AFAIK,) we can correct the tags of the main characters using the romanizations found in the URLs of the subpages of

"Eudiel" is the most popular fan romanization of ユーディル which clearly isn't "Euden", if anyone thinks using a fan romanization is inadvisable we could also tag him hero_(dragalia_lost) or something.

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2052 (forum #157956) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I fixed the BUR for you. Order of execution in BURs is not guaranteed. Therefore all lines must be independent of each other.

Luckily, with mass updates, you can update the tag and set the tag type all on the same line.

Only two people participated in that discussion and I don't see either "people will have trouble tagging characters" or "the localized names look nicer" as being good reasons to go against site policy. If the first thing is an issue we should alias the English names to the Japanese ones so people can find them easily, I didn't propose it because of the small number of posts under these tags.

Although that post did remind me there are some JP->EN aliases that need to be removed beforehand, so thanks for linking it.

BUR #2053 has been rejected.

remove alias clau_(dragalia_lost) -> cleo_(dragalia_lost)
remove alias elphyllis_(dragalia_lost) -> elisanne
remove alias nhaam -> notte_(dragalia_lost)

Reason: If BUR #2052 is approved, run this BUR first.

There is also a mumu_(dragalia_lost) -> mym_(dragalia_lost) alias, but since we don't have an official romanization for Mumu's name that one can stand.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2053 (forum #158000) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

But for the sake of consistency you should keep english names. Using japanese names only for a handful of characters breaks said consistency.

If all characters had official romanized names, this BUR would make sense, and i wouldn't oppose it. But since we don't have many romanizations we should keep the en names until said romanizations are available.

So the official romanizations are straight from the official website... I can’t believe I never tried checking there. As long as the names we use aren’t arbitrary made-up names, then I’m fine switching from English names to JP romanized ones.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

But for the sake of consistency you should keep english names. Using japanese names only for a handful of characters breaks said consistency.

We could just change the rest of the DL character tags to their JP names instead of their English ones at least. Not a lot of names change between the JP and the localization, so it should work out fine.