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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Not sure if it's only on my end or if it's even an issue relevant here but it seems that danbooru doesn't show up on google anymore.
At least not directly.
Google's first results for "danbooru" is now IQDB and many others website that mention danbooru but no direct link to it.
Curiously enough, if you type "danbooru" + any other popular tag, google will actually show results.

Useless said:

Not sure if it's only on my end or if it's even an issue relevant here but it seems that danbooru doesn't show up on google anymore.
At least not directly.
Google's first results for "danbooru" is now IQDB and many others website that mention danbooru but no direct link to it.
Curiously enough, if you type "danbooru" + any other popular tag, google will actually show results.

Seeing this too. Probably related to this

help:home ( and several other wiki pages are broken

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised

undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass

app/helpers/wiki_pages_helper.rb:9:in `wiki_page_post_previews'
app/views/wiki_pages/show.html.erb:37:in `_app_views_wiki_pages_show_html_erb___3369885448999410384_47294422904240'
app/controllers/wiki_pages_controller.rb:53:in `show'

EDIT: Seems like it's every page that starts with help:, howto:, about:, or tag_group:


Was the upload method changed again? File uploads (and occasionally pixiv uploads) used to be held on the server but have since yesterday reverted to the previous method of uploading to the server only once you hit the Submit button.

This kind of sucks for bigger files.

CodeKyuubi said:

Was the upload method changed again? File uploads (and occasionally pixiv uploads) used to be held on the server but have since yesterday reverted to the previous method of uploading to the server only once you hit the Submit button.

This kind of sucks for bigger files.

Preprocessing is still going on. You can verify this by going to the uploads listing.

Might want to check next time you do an upload to see if your upload appears in that listing.