post #9000000 GET!

General Tag Cleaning

Posted under Tags

So before I do go about requesting aliases, implications, and/or BURs I thought I'd just toss out a thread to gather up all the troublesome, and ambiguous tags that have been plaguing Danbooru for a while just leaving me with a massive question mark over my head whenever I run into them.

- looking_away
- looking_afar
- looking_to_the_side

Now, I was always under the assumption that looking_away would be used when a character would be facing the viewer with the majority of their body front on but instead have their focal point looking away from "us" in perspective to an out of frame point. And that looking_afar would be from a character not actually facing the viewer at all (profile shots for example) while having the gaze continuing in the same direction or even looking further into the background of the image itself. Yet this tag is horribly misused to the point that everything has just blended in considering all three have well over a reasonable level with "at time of posting" counts: looking_to_the_side (29,9540); looking_away (26,760); and looking_afar (3,557) results.

The only real solution would be to prune one of them folding its tagging into another.

IE. looking_away into looking_afar; and likely just nuking looking_to_the_side entirely as the only reasonable option here unless someone else has a better option or possible new tag for it.

- outstretched_arm
- outstretched_hand
- outstretched_wrists

This is just a bit of a mess since the majority of these refer to a character having their arm extended past a certain point thus should've just had outstretched_arm(s). I do understand the reasoning behind outstretched_hand but it does feel redundant considering we have a reaching_out tag which is usually what these tagged images are referring to in the first place
With outstretched_wrists itself serving no real purpose as almost all of these instances are just outstretched_arms anyhow.

There were a few others I had on mind but I went AFK for a while to do some stuff and came back forgetting the rest...

Reaching out is completely different to outstretched_x tags as it is for when the character is reaching towards the viewer and thus depends mainly on perspective.

Outstretched_arm is for when the arm is, in its entirety, held away from the body, at any angle (forwards, to the side, diagonally upwards, etc.), and from any viewpoint. The arm is usually straight or close to it. It also doesn't matter what the hand is doing. Example: post #3396909
Outstretched_hand is for when the hand itself is outstretched. It does not matter what the arm is doing - it can be outstretched as well (eg. post #3203399), or held relatively close to the body (eg. post #3231958)
Outstretched_wrists I didn't know was a tag but seems to be used for when the hands are at an angle to the arms. Example: post #3038118. This is not outstretched_hand or outstretched_arm. If I'm right about its use (this seems a significant majority of the images) and could probably do with a better name so as to prevent people getting it confused with the above. This also hardly ever overlaps with outstretched_arm or with reaching_out.


As for the looking ones...
The difference between looking_to_the_side and looking_away is that looking_to_the_side is from the CHARACTER'S perspective, whereas looking_away is from the VIEWER'S perspective. Hence why there are a lot of looking_to_the_side looking_at_viewer images. On the other hand, looking_away and looking_at_viewer should never be used to refer to the same image of the same character. These two tags are very definitely not interchangeable and suggesting that .

I've always seen looking_afar as a sort of "gazing off into the distance" tag.

In all three cases the vast majority of uses match what I have said, to the point where they don't need more than light tag gardening.


I agree with @skylightcrystal . I use all of the three mentioned looking tags and I think I'm fairly consistent with their usages:
looking_afar = looking at an undefined point. This can be used with any looking-tag, except looking_at_viewer because the viewer is focussed in that scenario.

looking_to_the_side = when the character looks left/right from their perspective
looking_away = when the character doesn't look at the viewer; can be used with looking_afar but isn't quite the same.

However, I think looking afar could need a wiki page instead.

ampzz said:

With outstretched_wrists itself serving no real purpose as almost all of these instances are just outstretched_arms anyhow.

This one irks me a bit. It seems that the posts tagged outstretched_wrists were originally tagged wrists_extended until @忍猫 apparently decided to replace the tag without first seeking anyone else's opinion on the forum. If they had, someone might have let them know that this was a terrible idea, as (1) the original tag was more accurate (the specific movement is technically called wrist extension), and (2) the new tag is confusing as it leads people to believe that it relates to outstretched arms despite having nothing to do with arm position. These changes should be reverted before anyone else starts misusing a misleadingly-named tag.

iridescent_slime said:

This one irks me a bit. It seems that the posts tagged outstretched_wrists were originally tagged wrists_extended until @忍猫 apparently decided to replace the tag without first seeking anyone else's opinion on the forum. If they had, someone might have let them know that this was a terrible idea, as (1) the original tag was more accurate (the specific movement is technically called wrist extension), and (2) the new tag is confusing as it leads people to believe that it relates to outstretched arms despite having nothing to do with arm position. These changes should be reverted before anyone else starts misusing a misleadingly-named tag.

Reverted the changes (cutting out a few that I spotted which were mistagged).

@忍猫 - if there is a good reason you made the change, please post it here. Please also don't make changes like this without discussing first.

skylightcrystal said:

Reverted the changes (cutting out a few that I spotted which were mistagged).

@忍猫 - if there is a good reason you made the change, please post it here. Please also don't make changes like this without discussing first.

This was a really bad move and I apologize. It matched the format of the other outstretched_* tags, which were getting renamed to match their formats and for the autocomplete, wrists_extended was generally hard to remember. It could be aliased though.

By the way, what is the difference between this thread and the wiki requests thread? Most of my posts there were about two similar sounding tags that both didn't have wikis. Should I repost my wiki request suggestions here that never got resolved?

Edit: there is a tag called wrist flexed as well.


If we're using this thread for the above:

- Oversized = when the clothes are too big for the character. Usually both overly long and overly wide
- Baggy = designed to be baggy. Typically the normal length but wider than standard clothes, except in the place(s) where they are held on (eg around the waist for legwear) where they are normal width as well.
- Puffy = baggy in the middle but (relatively) tight at both the top and bottom.
- Loose = worn loosely. Can be a result of being oversized but not all oversized clothes will be loose and vice versa.

- Polka dot = a solid colour with regular-spaced circles of identical size in a second colour. A form of pattern.
- Halftone = a solid colour with regularly spaced dots of varying size used to emulate different levels of shading. An artistic style.
- Dotted background = seems to be a mixture of both the above and a background that has random dots on it. Possibly a candidate for nuking.
Not sure what halftone_texture is for but it's hardly ever used

holding_person claims to be an ambiguous tag. Holding another and holding up should not be used.

holding own tail/holding another's tail/tail hold are pretty clearly distinct. Holding tail seems to be a combination of the first two of these, and tail grab a combination of holding tail and tail hug. Do we need that level of tagging tiers?

grabbing another's hand/hand grab - both seem to be duplicates of holding_hand, with some wrist grabs thrown in. Hand on hand is for when neither hand is holding the other - possible overlap there with hands_together if anything.

Wrist grab = when the wrist is being held
The other two should be for when the hand(s) is/are merely resting, and not holding particularly. The "another's" one seems to be misused in most cases, though.

The ears ones look like they want merging.

1. Rarely used tag, a lot of which surprisingly don't seem to fit into either of the tags you mentioned. Should most likely be nuked
2. Rolling suitcase would be a suitcase on wheels. Luggage would be a broader category but so many of those are suitcases that I would question the use of the tag as it stands.
4. Rarely used tag which could probably be safely nuked, with images going into narrow waist if necessary.
5. Cropped = not drawn to the end of the picture. Detached = (usually) prosthetic legs that are removed.

Some of my posts from topic #12858 that I didn't see an answer for that I figured could go here

1. wrinkles and wrinkled skin
2. sketchbook and sketchpad
3. wrapped up and wrapped
4. wrappings and bandages
5. mechanical legs and robotic legs
6. slender waist and narrow waist
7. flashing and self exposure
8. shower (place) and shower
9. toeless boots and open toe boots
10. stabbed and impaled
11. mismatched gloves and asymmetrical gloves
12. decensored and nude filter
13. blue bird and bluebird
14. animal hat and hat with ears
16. voodoo doll and voodoo
17. monster and beast
18. detached pants and detached leggings
19. hermaphrodite and full-package futanari
20. bursting and bursting breasts
21. widescreen and wide shot
22. torn jeans and ripped jeans (the latter should probably refer to just jeans that have intentional tears in them, to go with the rest of the torn_* tags)
23. skin tight and tight
24. orb and sphere
25. gown and evening gown
26. recolor and recolored
27. half-closed eyes and narrowed eyes
28. looking down and downcast eyes
29. patterned, patterned background, and patterned clothing
30. reflection and mirrored
31. reversed, rotated, and sideways
32. transparent and translucent
33. soda and cola
34. bend and bent
36. patch and patches
37. single pantyhose and single legging
38. heart print and heart pattern
39. undressing and partially undressed
40. touching and mutual grabbing
41. mouth insertion
42. aura and power
43. child drawing and doodle
44. hand over face
45. dc
46. barrette, hairpin
47. pushing, pushing away, shoving
48. plate, dish
49. pale face, turn pale
50. untied, undone
51. lube, lubrication, anal fluid
52. shoelaces and laces
53. touching
54. body horror and guro
55. sleepy vs drowsy
56. one breast out vs breast slip
57. dirty talk (forum #151426)
58. view between legs (forum #151426)
59. toy airplane and model airplane (forum #151426)
60. The wikis for figure and model both refer to scaled character figures.
61. agogo
62. bet
63. betrayal
64. mid-stride
65. origin story
66. tall
67. talking
68. The wiki for v over eye says that the tag can be used for other gestures over eyes, but tags such as w over eye are a thing.
69. t-shirt material and pool #11480
70. broken eyewear and cracked lens
71. Most posts with denim shorts simply use the cutoffs tag, but cutoff jeans specifically says it is solely for denim shorts.
72. Is there a clear cut definition when to use violence and if it should be used with the abuse tag?
73. visible air and breath (forum #151529 and forum #151531)
74. knees together
75. post
76. stand
77. sticky

Opinions ahead:

1. wrinkled skin is more specific than wrinkles, which can also refer to wrinkles in inanimate objects. Possible split: wrinkled clothes
2. Sketchpads are usually smaller and bound on the top like a notepad
3. Misleadingly close, but wrapped up seems to specifically imply one's whole body being tightly bound while wrapped is more vague
4. Wrappings have some overlap with bandages but sometimes aren't made with bandage fabric
5. Synonyms
6. Synonyms
7. Self exposure appears to be a mixture of flashing and undressing
8. I assume there's supposed to be a distinction between people in the shower or next to a shower, but in practice these are mostly the same
9. Synonyms
10. Characters who are impaled have had the object they were stabbed with come out the other end of their body
11. Asymmetrical gloves looks like a superset of mismatched gloves and single glove
12. Nude filter posts take largely worksafe images and remove clothes, decensored images take generally NSFW images and remove censoring
13. A bluebird is a genus of bird. A blue bird is any bird that is blue, and also a character tag for reasons I can't identify
14. Hat with ears sometimes contains designs that aren't explicitly animalesque, or hats with pockets for animal ears to go in
16. Voodoo refers to the active practice rather than just the presence of a doll
17. Largely synonyms, may also be furry
18. Synonyms, also overlaps with leg warmers
19. Hermaphrodite is exclusively for classical depictions and not the modern trope
20. Bursting could refer to anything other than breasts
21. Widescreen is a resolution, wide shot is a type of image composition
22. Agree
23. Synonyms, or at least to the point where I don't see the purpose of a gradient
24. Practical synonyms, but "orb" sounds more mystical
25. "Gown" is vague and can encompass a variety of dresses known as gowns
26. Partially synonyms and partially mistags of player 2
27. "Narrowed" implies some sort of concentration, leaving out the half-closed eyes that are just drowsiness
28. Synonyms
29. Patterned appears to be a superset of both
30. Mirrored is simultaneously reflection, recurring image, and reversed
31. Reversed and rotated are two different manipulations, sideways includes pictures posted like that originally
32. "Translucent" is not entirely see-through, but in practice transparent objects are nearly always translucent
33. Cola is cola nut-flavored soda
34. Bent is vague and bend seems like bent over mistags
36. Single/plural synonyms
37. Inherits the difference of leggings and pantyhose
38. Heart pattern is heart print and heart background
39. Partially undressed characters are not always actively taking off their clothes
40. Touching is any kind of touching, mutual grabbing is a subset of breast grab
41. Phallic object being inserted in mouth
42. Synonyms
43. Doodle can be any quick scribble, not necessarily by a child
44. Should be hand covering face, but also has hands over heads
45. Seems it may be something specific to one doujin circle?
46. A barrette is a clasp rather than a pin
47. At least partially synonyms
48. Synonyms
49. Synonyms
50. Mostly synonyms with a few other articles of clothing in undone
51. Lube is the object, lubricated is the state of it being applied, anal fluid is self-explanatory
52. Laces are shoelaces, cross-laced clothing, or lace
54. Body horror is a theme that does not necessarily involve gore
55. Synonyms
56. Breast slip is specifically a wardrobe malfunction
57. Seems more appropriate for a pool
58. Ratings filter this tag appropriately
59. Agree with fossilnix
60. Model makes more sense with inanimate objects
61. Musical instrument being played in the 1 tagged post
62. Whatever it is should be a more specific tag
63. Context-specific tag
64. Basically walking
65. Also context-specific
66. Long legs or height difference
67. Either context-based or through the presence of a speech bubble, latter of which is redundant
68. May make sense to keep if people don't find it intuitive that v over eye can mean any gesture
69. Synonyms or possibly an incomplete conversion?
70. Cracked lens is a subset of broken eyewear
71. Cutoff jeans appears redundant to cutoffs + denim shorts
72. Abuse implies a power dynamic while violence can target any arbitrary person
73. Would support renaming visible air to something more specific (air current?)
74. Superset of knees together feet apart and legs together
75. A lot of different objects called posts and some images that seem completely arbitrary, needs disambig
76. Either standing, a stand at a fairground, or the piece of furniture, also needs disambig
77. Any kind of sticky fluid

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