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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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fossilnix said:

I'm not sure how to reproduce this, but sometimes on the upload page when I click the button to pop out the tag box, the screen scrolls up to the picture but the box doesn't pop out, and I have to scroll back down and click it again

It happens when the click event isn't bound yet, mostly when you are too fast after page load, using Shift + E will bypass this and work anytime.

EDIT: What he said V


fossilnix said:

I'm not sure how to reproduce this, but sometimes on the upload page when I click the button to pop out the tag box, the screen scrolls up to the picture but the box doesn't pop out, and I have to scroll back down and click it again

Yes, this was brought up by @Unbreakable on Discord a while back. It's due to the fact that the event handler that pops out the dialog box has not yet been bound by the time you click it. Since that clickable control has an empty anchor link of "#" which goes nowhere, it therefore redirects the user to the top of the page.

If I remember correctly from that conversation though, the hotkeys don't suffer from this delay and can be used instead (shift + E). Either that, or wait a bit on page load and don't click the button so fast.



I've noticed that looking at my Recent Tags section on the upload page, it keeps a list of tags you used for one post, but doesn't update to show new tags you used for another post. It also used to be that the Recent Tags section would show the tags in the order in which I tagged the post with. Like I tag with [1girl, solo, black_hair] and it would show up as


on top of the other tags I've used before that.

tapnek said:

I've noticed that looking at my Recent Tags section on the upload page, it keeps a list of tags you used for one post, but doesn't update to show new tags you used for another post. It also used to be that the Recent Tags section would show the tags in the order in which I tagged the post with. Like I tag with [1girl, solo, black_hair] and it would show up as


on top of the other tags I've used before that.

It shows the ones you've used the most now, I dislike it.

tapnek said:

I don't think there's a way to revert the behavior of the related tags section to the old one unless a userscript is used. But I don't know any userscript that does this.

If there's enough interest, I could create a userscript.

The DText helplink below text boxes and the notes helplink should always open in a new tab. Almost always you have started writing something when you need to find out how to do X, and its a pain when I forget to manually right-click -> open in new tab and lose what I wrote.

tapnek said:

I've noticed that looking at my Recent Tags section on the upload page, it keeps a list of tags you used for one post, but doesn't update to show new tags you used for another post. It also used to be that the Recent Tags section would show the tags in the order in which I tagged the post with.

The main reason I changed it is that previously, recent tags were stored as cookies, which had various technical problems (mainly that cookies are limited in size and recent tags could make you run out of space entirely, among other issues).

The other reason is that recent tags were only useful within certain narrow workflows. Previously your recent tags were either the tags you used on your last upload (in the order you added them), or the first 30 tags from the last post you edited. Not just the tags you added - every tag on the post, in alphabetical order.

This meant that recent tags were pretty much useless outside of uploading. Your recent tags would be filled with tags you didn't even add. Even during uploading, if you added any tags to a post after upload, that edit would clobber the ordering of your recent tags. So recent tags only worked well within the narrow context of uploading a batch and not editing anything in between.

Now, instead of your recent tags coming only from your last tag edit, they come from your last 20 or so edits. This is so that recent tags can have at least some use during normal tag gardening, and so that during an upload session, you can edit posts in between without destroying your recent tags.

7nik said:

The benghuai xueyuan's wiki says

But honkai (series)'s wiki doesn't see this implication

I suppose it is due to copyright: in the tag name.
Doesn't Danbooru check the tag implication?

Yeah, that's weird, `copyright:` was supposed to be removed from consequent. Changed the implication, it should show up once the processing is over.

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, Why do pages by default count deleted pics, leading to pages on occasion as small as 4-10 pictures. Why isn't the "Deleted Post Filter" just the default? I mean for non-users/not logged in.

ginrei1985 said:

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, Why do pages by default count deleted pics, leading to pages on occasion as small as 4-10 pictures. Why isn't the "Deleted Post Filter" just the default? I mean for non-users/not logged in.

One reason is that it can make searches a lot slower, which would lead to more statement timeouts