post #9000000 GET!

How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

BrokenEagle98 said:

The actual stamping device itself is called an inkan.

However, for the 4 kinds of stamps I could find no tags: jitsuin, ginkouin, mitomein, gagouin.

Therefore, I'd just use watermark.

To be honest I've seen it often enough that I thought it would've had it's own tag, it's more of a signature or an artist logo than a watermark. I was uploading a few images from an artist such as post #3294481 and post #3294488 which had the stamp mark and couldn't think of the proper tag to use.

Updated by DanbooruBot

BrokenEagle98 said:

The actual stamping device itself is called an inkan.

However, for the 4 kinds of stamps I could find no tags: jitsuin, ginkouin, mitomein, gagouin.

Therefore, I'd just use watermark.

jitsuin/ginkouin/mitomein are simply seals accepted by government/bank/other organizations which is unrelated to what we are dealing with here.

gagouin literally mean seals that include the "gagou" name of the artist. I don't think name used by most modern artist who draw works accepted by this site can be considered as gagou. Although I am not sure about if there are any extended meaning in the seal's name that make it apply to other nicks or regular names as well

Rakkanin is probably a more suitable classification for this type of seal:

See also a discussion from 2014 on the same matter that went nowhere:

Updated by DanbooruBot

c933103 said:

post #2439239

That looks more like poking to me.

Do we need that vaginal object push tag? I don't see how different it is to vaginal object insertion, and vaginal_object_push -vaginal_object_insertion shows only two posts - one is the post you linked, and the other is just missing the vaginal object insertion tag.

Moreover, the vaginal object push tag was added to those posts (except the one you linked) by a single user. Looking at that user's other post changes he/she also created the anal object push and double insertion tag.

Updated by DanbooruBot

紫希貴 said:

That looks more like poking to me.

Do we need that vaginal object push tag? I don't see how different it is to vaginal object insertion, and vaginal_object_push -vaginal_object_insertion shows only two posts - one is the post you linked, and the other is just missing the vaginal object insertion tag.

I'd say no, just poking and/or vaginal object insertion should be enough, same with the below anal version.

紫希貴 said:

Moreover, the vaginal object push tag was added to those posts (except the one you linked) by a single user. Looking at that user's other post changes he/she also created the anal object push and double insertion tag.

Double insertion is just double penetration + object insertion so it should also be nuked.

Updated by DanbooruBot

c933103 said:

What is the different between vaginal_object_insertion and vaginal_object_push?

The principal difference is that the latter tag is meaningless and redundant and should simply be deleted. It was created and populated only a few months ago by a single user who was apparently intending to address a perceived tag deficiency as expressed in topic #15422. I never saw much use for such a tag, as the difference between it and vaginal_object_insertion is too subtle to be of any consequence, and it isn't often obvious whether or not an object is being "pushed" into an orifice. We don't need subjective tags that are open to interpretation, especially when they are barely any different from more objective tags.

Is it correct to apply vaginal_object_push tag to post #2439239?

If not, what would be the appropriate tag?

This is why I tagged post #2437352 poking.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Good day guys! I have a question (not sure i'm asking in the right place)- can I upload pictures, which are already in the base, but I'm just making this picture a stereo pair. Such pictues have tag "stereogram" and exist here, but i'm not sure if it is right to upload them without permission from author. so...

1) Is it ok in general or no and if YES

2) Should I ask an author before? Just not sure- lots of pics may be uploaded here like that, and author can just be out of business already. Maybe I should work only after permission recived. Or if picture is listed in database it is legal? Sure, I'n not going to to use any of pictures in any commercial purposes, lol.

3) Tag it like original picture but with "steregram"?

Also i have an example of stereogram, not to count it just my own child drawnings.
I had even made an animated 9 frames loop from one, but it took much more effort to make that just 9 separated frames.

Updated by DanbooruBot

kex234 said:

1) Is it ok in general or no and if YES

Have a look at help:third-party_edit. I’m not an approver, but I doubt that self-made stereograms would be accepted.

I usually don’t have a problem with stereograms, but that one gives me a headache. Some parts look like total perspective nonsense, such as the tail in the top right or the leg in the bottom right.

Updated by DanbooruBot

kittey said:

Have a look at help:third-party_edit. I’m not an approver, but I doubt that self-made stereograms would be accepted.

I usually don’t have a problem with stereograms, but that one gives me a headache. Some parts look like total perspective nonsense, such as the tail in the top right or the leg in the bottom right.

ok, thanks got it, Ill stop posting on last 2 pics there. Maybe just caught one of old pics made only with photoshop. To be sure, it is parallel stereo, which is used in stereoglasses and perfectly fits 3d helmets. Not cross eyed one.

I'll watch the quality of work harder.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Unbreakable said:

I'd say no, just poking and/or vaginal object insertion should be enough, same with the below anal version.

Double insertion is just double penetration + object insertion so it should also be nuked.

1. Currently, breast_poking and all that are being aliased to poking. Should they be a separate tag instead?
2. The different I perceive is that, double insertion specify it is a double object insertion, while double penetration + object insertion would also include images like heterosexual intercourse with additional object insertion on the female body.

iridescent_slime said:

The principal difference is that the latter tag is meaningless and redundant and should simply be deleted. It was created and populated only a few months ago by a single user who was apparently intending to address a perceived tag deficiency as expressed in topic #15422. I never saw much use for such a tag, as the difference between it and vaginal_object_insertion is too subtle to be of any consequence, and it isn't often obvious whether or not an object is being "pushed" into an orifice. We don't need subjective tags that are open to interpretation, especially when they are barely any different from more objective tags.

This is why I tagged post #2437352 poking.

It seems to me that post was actually asking for a way to differentiate between "inserting" and "inserted". Is there a tag to indicate that the object isn't being fully inserted, other than this tag?

Updated by DanbooruBot

c933103 said:

1. Currently, breast_poking and all that are being aliased to poking. Should they be a separate tag instead?
2. The different I perceive is that, double insertion specify it is a double object insertion, while double penetration + object insertion would also include images like heterosexual intercourse with additional object insertion on the female body.

1. I was surprised there wasn't a breast_poking tag tbh but not sure what others think about populating it.
2. Yes, there will be some false positives, this is inevitable but we can't go making specific tags every single time, we would be drowning in tags in that case. As long as the overlap isn't too big it shouldn't be much of a problem, throwing in a "-sex" should remove most if not all of those anyway.

Updated by DanbooruBot