post #9000000 GET!

Tag cleanup attempt #2

Posted under General

0xCCBA696 said:
Mentally inadequate uploaders' habits should never dictate policy. If a post is good, keep it. Isn't that simple enough?

This is the best suggestion in this thread so far.

Agreed. A official deletion request thread is a good idea. Plus it will give the aspies something new to obsess/focus on.

nil! said:
Agreed. A official deletion request thread is a good idea. Plus it will give the aspies something new to obsess/focus on.

I don't see what good that would do, when there's Flag for deletion command in place to do exactly that.

スラッシュ said:
I don't see what good that would do, when there's Flag for deletion command in place to do exactly that.

I think the idea is that it would give the userbase as a whole (or rather the small portion that actually pays attention) a place to post if they aren't sure whether or not they should flag something, or if they have a problem with something getting flagged. It's more efficient than bitching in the comments.

In short, we'd have a place to discuss this kind of thing that doesn't result in OVER 9000 comments under pictures.

RaisingK said:
The Powers That Be have no mass deletion tool, right?

I'm just a mod, but I do have a python interface to the danbooru API. With a bit of coding, I could do almost anything en masse.

Wasn't that one of the reasons for still having so much bad stuff lying around? The results of photo -cosplay pool:282 would have been a good start (removing cosplay just to be safe).

On the very first page I see post #309793, post #246908, post #196487, post #330304. In other words, your idea is not being implemented not because it's hard, but simply because it's a bad idea.

Fencedude said:
Deleted, deleted, deleted, deleted.

Ok, four down, a bajillion more to go. This is not a complex process people.

Fuck you. There's no rule against photos, and no consensus other than a couple people whining about it. If you're just going to force your way on this, don't you think it would be prudent to ban you before you can do more damage?

Where did you get the idea that danbooru is meant for posting photos like that? I fully agree with all four of those deletions, and while the first is a seiyuu (which makes it debatable), it's a low quality image.

If any of those were in the queue right now, they wouldn't have a prayer of getting approved.

LaC said: post #246908 and post #196487 are photo versions of anime memes; post #330304 is the original reference for post #328364 and post #395330 (someone else seems to have noticed that and undeleted it, at least).

I'm aware of that much, but I really don't think a picture of a cat with higurashi meme text mspainted in would qualify under any circumstances.

Again, I really can't see that getting out of the queue alive today. Non-cosplay photo uploads are getting very rare (1-2 per day? 4 pages brought me back about 3 months at any rate), and even then it's mostly figures or more obviously anime related stuff.

We've never had a "no photos" rule, so this has nothing to do with the "grandfather clause", and photo uploads are a negligible fraction of the total, so it has nothing to do with dealing with the influx of poor-quality uploads. Under the guise of those things, you're doing a completely arbitrary mass-delete just to tailor danbooru to your very personal ideas. And in doing so, you're throwing away our entire approval process (it used to be based on the general principle of not deleting what another mod had approved, remember?), and switching to a model where people randomly delete whatever they want without consensus just because it's not interesting to them. All of this for the sake of deleting 1% of the total posts (if you got rid of everything tagged with photo, that is; "photo -cosplay -figure -seiyuu" is less than 0.4%).

LaC said: (if you got rid of everything tagged with photo, that is; "photo -cosplay -figure -seiyuu"

I'm not even getting rid of "all" of that anyway. See the 10 pages of non cosplay/figure/seiyuu photos at the end I did not delete - I get the impression you think I was deleting those. It's the non-anime related posts, av idol posts, and porn posts. They were the things falling firmly under the grandfather clause. The other posts I left that should probably be trimmed a lot but I haven't done so because they're somewhat anime/otaku related, even if they tend to be crap quality (though not always).

Spent enough time on it for now though, site is running very slowly again so it'd be tedious to continue right now.


LaC, I think you're letting Fencedude's comment warp the true intention of this thread. I don't think anyone but Fencedude is out to literally nuke ALL photos off of danbooru. I for one just want to keep things on topic by getting rid of photos (porn photos to be specific) and work down towards the bad cosplays and such.

LaC said:
Under the guise of those things, you're doing a completely arbitrary mass-delete just to tailor danbooru to your very personal ideas. And in doing so, you're throwing away our entire approval process (it used to be based on the general principle of not deleting what another mod had approved, remember?), and switching to a model where people randomly delete whatever they want without consensus just because it's not interesting to them.

QFT. This is the crux of the issue. Regardless of what people's intentions are, this mass-deletion is kind of aberrant, don't you think?

homeless_homo said:
LaC, I think you're letting Fencedude's comment warp the true intention of this thread. I don't think anyone but Fencedude is out to literally nuke ALL photos off of danbooru. I for one just want to keep things on topic by getting rid of photos (porn photos to be specific) and work down towards the bad cosplays and such.

This is also my stance.

homeless_homo's deletion request thread is still the best idea I've heard here. Yes, we could just flag the photos, but that wouldn't generate any sort of meaningful discussion. Before any one person (or small group of persons) goes through and nukes images, they should at least get the consent of the general forum-reading userbase. Any photo to be kept should be somehow convincingly related to the purpose of danbooru (high quality anime/manga images, drawn or not), as decided by a general consensus.

I mean, is there really anything disagreeable with that idea?

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