post #9000000 GET!

Tag cleanup attempt #2

Posted under General

I know we've talked about this numerous times, but we need to settle the issue once and for all. The previous topics got derailed/forgotten. We'll start small with two tags that nearly everyone hates and work our way to other stuff after we decide on this.

Should the tags poorly drawn and toon be excluded from the grandfather clause and cleaned up?

I'm sure you already know that my answer is 'yes'. Vote.


Kayako said: Should the tags poorly drawn and toon be excluded from the grandfather clause and cleaned up?

Well, *I* certainly think so, at least for toon, but everyone already knows how I feel about the grandfather clause. The problem with poorly_drawn is that we'd have to inspect each image one by one because I've seen it on images that didn't deserve it before.

jxh2154 said:
The problem with poorly_drawn is that we'd have to inspect each image one by one because I've seen it on images that didn't deserve it before.

Well of course, but we've got lots of people around that'll probably be willing to help. I know I'll gladly go through and pick out images I don't think deserve the tag, if any.

jxh2154 said:
but everyone already knows how I feel about the grandfather clause.

I personally feel we have to get over it. It's like searching through shit in your garage. You find something you haven't touched in YEARS and say "Oh I think I'll keep this." and once you're done cleaning, you never touch it again.

Kayako said:
Should the tags poorly drawn and toon be excluded from the grandfather clause and cleaned up?

And here I was vaguely thinking that the Grandfather Clause had been abolished. But that's never been definitively established, has it? =/

My answer is of course "Yes and then some". We don't have to get a seek-and-destroy going, but making it okay to flag 1+ year old posts without being told to "stop flagging old shit" would be a start.

Okay, you have my blessing. Grandfather clause is revoked. Most of my photo porn posts have already been deleted so I'm not immune to this. The only reason I haven't made a concerted effort is laziness.

There's a bunch of photos of figurines I imagine those should stay and shit like the yukkuri photo.

At least give us a couple days to back up the best non-porn photos onto 3db.

I am rather against deleting the cosplay unless it's boring generic or kipi, but whatever.

edit: how about somewhere in the middle, cosplay photos that aren't on 3db but aren't terrible?


Papercraft (and the paper children especially) should stay, though I'm sure there's some stuff that can go.

Figures should be kept if the image is interesting, such as that Ryougi Shiki one in the snow, but just general figure pictures don't need to be here.

Log said:
I am rather against deleting the cosplay unless it's boring generic or kipi, but whatever.

edit: how about somewhere in the middle, cosplay photos that aren't on 3db but aren't terrible?

I'm not attacking you or anything, but can you show me a cosplay image that's worthy of staying?

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