nonamethanks said:
I don't want to sound disrespectful or insulting, but I present you an argument from the other side: what about the randomly picked "lottery" approvers you yourself promoted that people have been complaining about not so subtly for a while now? Is post #2870590 or post #3026177 the kind of content we want to keep on site?
Not at all. If you think a particular approver is bad, point me to them and I'm more than happy to demote them. I've done it before. I myself haven't promoted anyone recently precisely because of reactions like the one you're giving here. And you're not wrong.
But pointing to one or two bad uploads isn't sufficient. Everyone approves bad stuff once in awhile, us included. You need to prove that a large fraction of their approvals are bad. I'd say at least 10%. Stuff like a high percentage of negative scores is good evidence, or even a low median score.
I find it hard to agree with the sentiment that flags are out of control when the people who are on the receiving end of the flagging are too the same usual suspects, and it always ends up with three or four flags to the same post because some particularly nonsensical content keeps getting reapproved by people who got approval privilege via lottery or were promoted by the same people who uploaded the flagged post. I'd give examples but I don't want to namecall - there's plenty to be found via the search.
You say this, but look at the flagger distribution. Just four people flagging more than 10 posts. There is no signal there. These four people could easily be victims of confirmation bias or other behavioral fallacies.
Why have the approval queue at all then?
I ask myself this all the time. If you don't check Danbooru's equivalent of /new often it doesn't come into play. But I understand not everyone has my browsing habits and so it's useful to others.
From the first page of "poor quality" flags only six posts were uploaded in 2018. Looking at the last 100 posts with that reason as flag, most are for old low quality scans, scribbles, heavy JPG artifacts or stuff approved by Not One of Us. I really don't see how this constitutes a problem, given that there's at least ~13 approvers active at all times who care enough to go through pending posts and mark them as not interested. It's rare enough that posts are flagged more than once, so again the "power" any flagger might have is negated by a single approver.
I honestly don't see the point in flagging these uploads from 2012 when the average user is never going to go far back enough to come across it. So the fact we wouldn't be flagging these isn't a huge loss. And by your own admission, if poor quality flags aren't common, then the real world impact of not permitting them would be minimal.
And finally, even if "poor quality" was made an invalid reason, people would still flag under "bad anatomy", which is really the reason for flagging most of the posts that don't fall under the categories I mentioned earlier. And besides that, how would one even flag a post like post #427050 besides as "poor quality"?
You're right. Bad anatomy shouldn't be valid flag reason either.