albert said:
Not at all. If you think a particular approver is bad, point me to them and I'm more than happy to demote them. I've done it before. I myself haven't promoted anyone recently precisely because of reactions like the one you're giving here. And you're not wrong.
But pointing to one or two bad uploads isn't sufficient. Everyone approves bad stuff once in awhile, us included. You need to prove that a large fraction of their approvals are bad. I'd say at least 10%. Stuff like a high percentage of negative scores is good evidence, or even a low median score.
Well, since you asked @albert, i'm going to make names. I want to preface this with the fact that I have no ill feelings towards any other user of this site, simply because after all it's just anime pictures - I'm just trying to provide objective data to answer your question.
Let's take a look at the approver report:
If we sort the columns by average unique downvotes / number of approvals, and skip people who have under 10 approvals (because it doesn't make sense to use this math for someone with 3 approvals), you'll notice that Akaineko (lottery approver) has a value of 33%, exactly twice the amount of the second, which is Hat Vangart, another lottery approver. Hat vangart has four times as many approvals as SBE and raisingk, respectively third and fourth, but the same value (16%). The nearest other users are all under 11%. I picked ten random reports where these users appeared, in order to make sure there wasn't any one-time bias. I seriously doubt it'll change if we take all of them and plot a time-functioned trend. Chances are these two users will stay as outliers. Furthermore, consider that member users can flag but cannot downvote. Only a fraction of those who would care to do so can actually downvote posts.
The average percentage of unique downvotes per approvals is 5%. Akaineko has more than six times that amount. Edit: It should be pointed out however that he has relatively few approvals recently, so the numbers are not set in stone. Still, anyone else (including RaisingK and SBE) with his amount of approval is nowhere near his numbers, so while he does not fit in the overall average, having only 10% of the average amount of approvals, he's also an outlier in the distribution of people with low approval counts. (Also I hope I didn't make any mistake in calculating these.)
You say this, but look at the flagger distribution. Just four people flagging more than 10 posts. There is no signal there. These four people could easily be victims of confirmation bias or other behavioral fallacies.
Members can only flag one post per day. That's enough to throw a wrench into anyone's attempt at flagging enough posts to show up in that report. Also, you can see my flags, and you'll notice I mostly flag samples, corrupted images, or exceptionally bad posts like post #615298. Ion does the same - from what I see every day in the mod queue he mostly flags single pages of comics and very low quality scribbles from a decade ago. I'd also be interested in knowing how many users only flag once, or which users have the largest amount of different flaggers, for statistics purposes, but that information is not publicly available.
I honestly don't see the point in flagging these uploads from 2012 when the average user is never going to go far back enough to come across it. So the fact we wouldn't be flagging these isn't a huge loss. And by your own admission, if poor quality flags aren't common, then the real world impact of not permitting them would be minimal.
The rationale of flagging those posts is to keep danbooru's active gallery curated. And, I want to add, to make sure new users know what's acceptable or not. I've seen plenty of newcomers trying to 1up horrible but active old posts with pixiv versions they found, only to see theirs deleted and end up complaining in the forums about it. I don't think having posts that the majority of approvers consider bad by today's standards be deleted (which is what flaggers so far have been doing) is bad. Deleted posts aren't expunged, so we're not losing anything.
You're right. Bad anatomy shouldn't be valid flag reason either.
But exceptionally bad anatomy is often associated with poor quality. "Bad anatomy" is just the short way to say that a post was drawn by an amateur and the flaws of the drawing are so exceptional, that they're evident to anyone looking at it. It's why when the flaws are not as much evident, people instead write longer flags. I don't really agree with most descriptive flags so I won't argue in favor of them - I've approved posts that were redeemed by the overall quality of the image in the past. But I don't think taking away the chance of sending a post back into the moderation queue is a bad idea - if the post is good enough it'll be reapproved anyway, as shown in the statistics I posted in an earlier post. About 1/4th of all flags in the past year have been denied, this not counting the ones that went through that were samples (again, 1/10th of these flags) and such, so it's not like there's a rush of posts being lost to the aether. And it's a rarity for any post to be flagged more than once.
Edit: made some edits because I noticed a mistake with Akaineko's numbers. The overall argument does not change.