
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

忍猫 said:

Forgive me if there is a better topic suited for this issue.

I planned on adding PlayStation 2 as a tag to post #1083869 because it is official art for a game that mentions the name of the game consode. However adding the tag also adds game console. Is this correct?

playstation 2 is meant to be used for pictures physically featuring that specific console, thus it implicates the game console tag. We don't tag official art that way, the copyright and the official art tags suffice in that case.

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised

Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
app/views/uploads/_image.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_uploads__image_html_erb__1983157741507181993_47003389605200'
app/views/uploads/new.html.erb:14:in `_app_views_uploads_new_html_erb__159306256123907933_47003317447780'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:61:in `create'

I'm getting this message when trying to post tumblr links for automatic conversion to data.tumblr.
Attempting to bypass it by going to the data link myself is giving an XML Access Denied. It looks like they've changed the raw image links, again?

  • For blacklisted tag, it seems like the current action of the site is to load the picture first and then hide those blacklisted tags via (javascript?). Is there anyway to prevent images of blacklisted tag from being downloaded onto user's computer via user's internet connection when browsing danbooru?
  • For the official bookmarklet tool, is it possible to request for support of site here? It seems like a few artists who have been suspended by twitter have moved to that site to post what they have instead.
  • Also, how about pixiv fanbox? That seems to be used by many more content creator than the aforementioned site but apparently still not supported? (Or am I using an outdated bookmarklet?)


  • And is there any possibilities to add thumbnails for Flash content in the site?


Not sure if this is something to do with some of the custom CSS I use or not, but when I favorite something, the 'you have favorited' this post indicator stays on the page indefinitely, and also stays on the page if I use a/d to navigate to the next/previous page in a tag search.

DeusExCalamus said:

Not sure if this is something to do with some of the custom CSS I use or not, but when I favorite something, the 'you have favorited' this post indicator stays on the page indefinitely, and also stays on the page if I use a/d to navigate to the next/previous page in a tag search.

Saw this happen too, happened in like two tabs of what i opened but dissapeared after refreshing. I'm not using any customizations.

I've added single tag queries of many artists in my saved searches, but I found some of them are not updated for more that a few days.

For example:


c933103 said:

  • For blacklisted tag, it seems like the current action of the site is to load the picture first and then hide those blacklisted tags via (javascript?). Is there anyway to prevent images of blacklisted tag from being downloaded onto user's computer via user's internet connection when browsing danbooru?

No. The best you can do is hide thumbnails by default to prevent them from being visible for a short moment before the JavaScript code runs to hide them. See forum #132142.

  • And is there any possibilities to add thumbnails for Flash content in the site?

Search the forum for 'flash thumbnail', then see issue #2002, topic #3383, topic #2677.

Brightlight said:

I've added single tag queries of many artists in my saved searches, but I found some of them are not updated for more that a few days.

I have the same problem with some of my queries… that haven’t updated for over a year but nobody seems interested in fixing that. :< See the unticked item in issue #2921 for related feature requests.

I noticed that saved search groups/labels with more than ten saved searches in them tend to break unpredictably. If you move some searches to another label so that each label has only ten or less saved searches, they will come back to life after a few days.
