post #9000000 GET!

[APPROVED] Tag implication: shorts_under_skirt -> shorts

Posted under Tags

chinatsu said:

Well, also skirt too, maybe also these kinds of implications should imply layered_clothing as well

Skirt implication was rejected before at topic #13917, not sure if that still applies.

iridescent_slime said:

Most of the images tagged shorts under skirt are actually bike shorts, which usually aren't tagged as shorts.

If we decide that bike shorts should implicate shorts, then this implication is fine as well; otherwise it's a -1 from me.

They aren't? I always tag bike shorts with black shorts and short shorts since none of the wikis says you shouldn't.

Bike shorts are quite visually distinct from non-skintight shorts. I would prefer the tags says separate.

skylightcrystal said:

If this implication does not want to be made then the above one should not have been made either.

Alternatively, the bike_shorts_under_skirt alias can be removed and that tag repopulated.

EB said:

Bike shorts are quite visually distinct from non-skintight shorts. I would prefer the tags says separate.

I was actually thinking that if people really needed it, they could populate up a loose shorts tag. The same could be said for any other variations of shorts that people feel they might lose search precision on.

Besides that, I don't really see a con to the above implication.

Alternatively, the bike_shorts_under_skirt alias can be removed and that tag repopulated.

-1 Let's avoid fracturing the tags as much as possible... :/

BrokenEagle98 said:

-1 Let's avoid fracturing the tags as much as possible... :/

Frankly, giving it a look, I realize it would be too much effort to be worth populating. Even looking at shorts_under_skirt -bike_shorts, it seems the vast majority are skintight shorts anyway and just not completely tagged. It's rarer to see non-skintight shorts in the style of Misaka Mikoto. Something like post #1264051 is difficult to search for. Though in that case and most instances, just making sure bike shorts is tagged should suffice, I guess.

So if bike_shorts and shorts are supposed to be separate, how then are we to take the qualities of bike shorts? Should we add black_bike_shorts and short_bike_shorts?

Or to make it work, the implication of [color]_shorts to shorts and short_shorts could be removed so they can be tagged with bike_shorts. I think that's too much to ask for and would be a pain to deal with.

It makes much more sense to treat bike_shorts like a type of shorts. Like @BrokenEagle98, another tag like skintight_shorts could be added. And at that point I begin to question, why even call bike_shorts that instead of alias to such a proposed tag?