
Ratings check thread

Posted under General

That's what I did, actually. She is holding a used condom after all, so Q seems correct to me. Unbreakable (who uploaded it) changed it back to E, so I came here to get a third opinion. Given your proposal, I'll set it to Q again for now.

Flopsy said:

That's what I did, actually. She is holding a used condom after all, so Q seems correct to me. Unbreakable (who uploaded it) changed it back to E, so I came here to get a third opinion. Given your proposal, I'll set it to Q again for now.

Yeah I thought it was explicit because it was pretty clear it was a filled condom but if others agree it's Q I'm not gonna change it back.

忍猫 said:

In ye olde times, pantyshots were Q by default and only particularly tasteful qualified for S. Nowadays pantyshots are S by default and only particularly racy ones get a Q rating, which is what I meant by desensitization. In 2005, Megatokyo’s Dom wrote a quite interesting rant on a similar issue.

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