post #9000000 GET!

Flag Vandalism

Posted under General

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kittey said:

Can’t speak for others, but I would. I wouldn’t want to see bad art of my favorite copyright/character. If I wanted mediocre art of my favorite copyright/character, I’d browse another ’booru.

Couldn't agree more. In fact, I'll pretty much only flag images from my favorite copyrights and characters.

"single comic page" doesn't look like a very valid flag reason to me. Rules I have seen only state not to post entire comics. Not listed as valid in the flag wiki either.
Edit: Looks like someone's been mass flagging comic pages.

Not to mention it is an upgraded scan of an older post and the troll didn't flag any of the other images from the same comic (there's like 8).


Dalamar said:

"single comic page" doesn't look like a very valid flag reason to me. Rules I have seen only state not to post entire comics. Not listed as valid in the flag wiki either.

Not to mention it is an upgraded scan of an older post and the troll didn't flag any of the other images from the same comic (there's like 8).

The said thing is, the flagger really didn't need to make up an excuse in this case. The subpar artwork is more than enough reason for flagging.

iridescent_slime said:

The said thing is, the flagger really didn't need to make up an excuse in this case. The subpar artwork is more than enough reason for flagging.

That's your opinion, I've seen full color art with absolutely hideous anatomy get through APPEALS.

Loli in general has historically been harder to get an approve.

Dalamar said:

"single comic page" doesn't look like a very valid flag reason to me. Rules I have seen only state not to post entire comics. Not listed as valid in the flag wiki either.
Edit: Looks like someone's been mass flagging comic pages.

Not to mention it is an upgraded scan of an older post and the troll didn't flag any of the other images from the same comic (there's like 8).

There aren't that much sense in having just 1 random page of a comic uploaded imo.

Dalamar said:

That's your opinion, I've seen full color art with absolutely hideous anatomy get through APPEALS.

Loli in general has historically been harder to get an approve.

Feel free to re-flag those if you think they are so awful.

The rule regarding "not uploading whole comics" refers to not uploading entire copies of corporate-published manga that could result in massive copyright claims from big teams of lawyers. Don't upload whole official volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist for instance.

You say it was one page of several on the site but you did not put them in a pool. If you had I would not have flagged it. I am on a bit of a crusade against single pages of comics that doesnt stand on their own artistic merits. Mostly these are really old like the child post but I will not pull punches for newer stuff.

There is no option for me to take my flag back but if you do pool the images and mention that in topic #8554 there is a higher chance for it to be reapproved.

ion288 said:

You say it was one page of several on the site but you did not put them in a pool. If you had I would not have flagged it. I am on a bit of a crusade against single pages of comics that doesnt stand on their own artistic merits. Mostly these are really old like the child post but I will not pull punches for newer stuff.

There is no option for me to take my flag back but if you do pool the images and mention that in topic #8554 there is a higher chance for it to be reapproved.

So you admit you're basically trolling/vandalizing.

It's detrimental to post entire doujins on danbooru, danbooru is about good art, not entire comics.

I will not pool them nor will I upload the whole fuckin comic, it takes a lot of time to clean images scanned at that resolution. You are perfectly able to pool them yourself if you wish and you are just as welcome to grab the raws I posted on

Why should a flagger make the effort to search for a possible pool a post might belong to?
I don't really get this argument. Most of these flags are against posts that are already horrible to begin. Here as well.

Dalamar said:

I will not pool them

While I agree that whether or not something is pooled shouldn't affect whether or not it gets flagged/deleted, why not pool them? It's not as though it takes more than a few seconds...

Provence said:

Why should a flagger make the effort to search for a possible pool a post might belong to?

It's besides the point. I post comic pages only if the art is stunning, I don't post them for the story. There's no rule saying you can't post single pages.

H doujins almost universally have bad story, and only few have good art limited to a page or two. I see no point uploading the whole thing.

Dalamar said:

So you admit you're basically trolling/vandalizing.

It's detrimental to post entire doujins on danbooru, danbooru is about good art, not entire comics.

I will not pool them nor will I upload the whole fuckin comic, it takes a lot of time to clean images scanned at that resolution. You are perfectly able to pool them yourself if you wish and you are just as welcome to grab the raws off of

But it's not vandalism. If you upload a single page of a comic, it will be held at a higher standard than a 20 pages comic because it needs to stand out on its own. Just because you're uploading a better version of an old post doesn't make the post acceptable - we don't have a grandfather clause and so every post must be judged by its merits alone.

Not to say that bad doujinshi are allowed, just that a long good story can trump barely passable (or even mediocre in certain cases) art. That's obviously not possible with single pages of a porn doujinshi.

So no, his flags are not vandalism at all.

As a last note, from howto:upload:

  • Conditionally Accepted
    • Doujinshi (especially long doujins covering many pages), must be a high quality untranslated raw. Please make it clear that you are uploading a long series if you have a download limit by grouping the pages into a pool.

So yes, it is your duty to pool your doujinshi uploads if you want approvers to judge them as a whole rather than as single pages. And frankly speaking those flagged pages are not that good by themselves, so I don't really see them getting reapproved unless a miracle happens, since greyscale porn doujinshi rarely have a chance at surviving on danbooru once they get flagged.

kuuderes_shadow said:

While I agree that whether or not something is pooled shouldn't affect whether or not it gets flagged/deleted, why not pool them? It's not as though it takes more than a few seconds...

Because it's not complete. Call it OCD.

kuuderes_shadow said:

While I agree that whether or not something is pooled shouldn't affect whether or not it gets flagged/deleted, why not pool them? It's not as though it takes more than a few seconds...

I strongle agree with this and I know this is a fairly unpopular opinion, but if a post is pooled then you can click through the pool using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons. If you use this then also deleted posts will appear.
So i'd say that "belongs to a pool/series" is an absolute weak reason against a flag.

Dalamar: You can mark pools as incomplete by adding (incomplete) to the pool's title.

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