/* Rearrange the uploads page. Move the commentary section down, to just above the related tags section, so that loading it doesn't shift the tags. */ #c-uploads #a-new #form { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(8) { order: 1; } /* file field */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(9) { order: 2; } /* source field */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(10) { order: 3; } /* rating field */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(11) { order: 4; } /* parent field */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(16) { order: 5; } /* tags field */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(17) { order: 6; } /* submit button */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(7) { order: 7; } /* upload for approval */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(12) { order: 8; } /* commentary header */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(13) { order: 9; } /* commentary show/hide toggle */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(14) { order: 10; } /* commentary fields */ #c-uploads #a-new #form #related-tags-container { order: 11; } /* related tags */ /* Hide things on the uploads page that I never use. */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(7) { display: none; } /* hide upload for approval */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(8) { display: none; } /* hide file field */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(10) { display: none; } /* hide rating field (tag with rating:s instead) */ #c-uploads #a-new #form :nth-child(11) { display: none; } /* hide parent field (tag with parent:123 / child:123 instead) */ #c-uploads #a-new #upload-guide-notice { display: none; } /* hide upload notices */