
Topicality of chat log-only posts

Posted under General

c933103 said:

So, asking again, if someone created a textbooru or something similar to host this kind of content, would it be possible to migrate comments and commentaries and notes and uploads of these images to the said site?

It would be trivial given that danbooru does not permanently delete "deleted" posts. All of that can be done via the api.

In my eyes, these types of posts are effectively fanfiction trying to reap the same kind of attention that 4komas do on Twitter. In Western fandoms, chat log fanfiction used to be a fad as well, but they eventually developed a bad reputation as a shortcut for "writers" who can't be bothered to write. The same princple seems to apply to this more recent Japanese fad - neither strong writing skills nor artistic skills are necessary to create them.

I've idly thought it would be interesting to have a spinoff site focused on fanfiction and original light novels, since many of those are posted on Pixiv as well, but that would likely require a bit of extra coding effort.

tapnek said:

When you make that point, it makes sense as to why they shouldn't be allowed here. It's lazy fanfiction.

So is a lot of the other fanfiction we keep on Danbooru. How much 'plot' is there in the various instant loss 2komas we have? How much value as plot or writing does the 800,000th image of tits have?

The judgement of quality for a joke is in whether or not it's funny, regardless of whether it's expressed in a novel way, and I've laughed at several of these.


BrokenEagle98 said:

^I can't even begin to write what is wrong with those thoughts.

Regardless, I think it demonstrates perfectly that such images are here to stay unless they get purged, as there will always be a sympathetic approver that believes they deserve to be on Danbooru.

BrokenEagle98 said:

^It wasn't an argument. It was a sigh of frustration at what is ultimately a rigged system.

However, it demands an argument. It is literally the purpose of approvers to approve things they are sympathetic to, that's even outright the primary instruction given to them, so arguing against that requires some sort of justification given as to why this point of view isn't valid when others are. After all, they go around promoting more batches of users to approver whenever things don't get approved with "just" single-digit "Not Interested" votes, so presumably, some point of this is to include some diversity in the approval process.

This isn't so much "rigged" to subvert the system, this is what the system was designed to do. If you think that's wrong, it's incumbent upon you to articulate not that the system isn't working as intended, but that the system has the wrong intentions, which is a much more significant lift.

And if you want to talk about approvers letting things get through that I absolutely object to, there's plenty I object to seeing, as well.

NWSiaCB said:

So is a lot of the other fanfiction we keep on Danbooru. How much 'plot' is there in the various instant loss 2komas we have? How much value as plot or writing does the 800,000th image of tits have?

The judgement of quality for a joke is in whether or not it's funny, regardless of whether it's expressed in a novel way, and I've laughed at several of these.

You also make a good point. I have to admit that I enjoy reading these chat log posts. I don't know what to think about them other than that I personally want them to stay here.

NWSiaCB said:

It is literally the purpose of approvers to approve things they are sympathetic to

Not when it's a blatant 3rd-party edit. Then you can like it as much as you want, it really shouldn't matter here.
These chatlogs are using icons from character's official arts or even screencaps from the game itself (in very low quality).
I think the closest you get in help:third-party edit is the point "Composite Artwork".

Diversity is nice, but not when it has such a restriction like here. The Western art (which is btw. completely off-topic) don't carry this.
If we make this comparison, though:
The ToS are mentioning that western art should be uploaded if it meets a higher quality threshold.
This wiki page does not mention anything regarding a justification of these posts to be here. There is no clause that says this:
"Composite artworka are allowed if the artist put them together in a chatlog". There's nothing in there like this.

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