
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

Provence said:

The yukata wiki says:

This makes sense. A yukata is a subset of kimono.

BrokenEagle98 said:

That's because yukata implies kimono.

After some further investigations... It seems like while the name kimono do indeed carry the meaning of Japanese traditional cloth and thus include Yukata, the understanding among Japanese people have shifted nowadays that they become something different. And it seems like the reason why many English sites are still saying statements like "Yukata is a subset of Kimono" is because, in English Kimono is still the most common word being used to refer to traditional Japanese Clothing.

Since on danbooru, the distinction between Japanese Clothing and Kimono have already been made, I think it would be a good idea to exclude yukata from kimono tag.

>Compare answers by different Japanese people in

ion288 said:

Can any one come up with a wiki for moped? I dont really know what visually separates them from motorcycle.

Moped is short for motor and pedal and therefore is required to have pedals. Apparently, in some areas, scooters are also called mopeds. That’s probably the reason why even though we do have a healthy scooter tag, the moped tag is misused quite a lot. I think we should require that something tagged moped actually has pedals and everything else is a scooter.

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