sarusa said:
To further complicate things we've got tamamo_no_mae_(swimsuit_lancer)_(fate) which is still tagged caster too - but that's more reasonable since it's just the same character in a swimsuit.
There are some lines during the summer events (can't quote them but I know I've seen them) that imply that Lancer Tamamo is also one of those severed tails, as she later decides to call herself "Tamamo Shark" and become part of the Tamamo Nine. This is yet another example of how the class-based naming is a snarl of insanity that FGO has completely destroyed, and was seemingly intended to destroy.
Also, "spoilers are forever" is not a valid policy due to the "It Was His Sled" effect, as denoted on TV Tropes. Fate Stay/Night has been out for years at this point, and with Grand Order handing us everyone's true names (even EMIYA's) on a platter, spoilers are guaranteed. The policy does not work, not for an image site where the majority of people who use the tag search probably already know who they're looking for and don't care about spoilers.
In fact, by the "spoilers are forever" logic, we should be tagging Touhou's Extra Stage bosses as spoilers, possibly even all bosses not featured in the demos (which is everyone past stage 3) and bosses for the fighting games, since their demos don't normally reveal them. Given Touhou is one of our big breadwinners here and almost everyone knows who most of the big-name characters are (even non-fans), that doesn't make sense, and it shouldn't. The policy for Fate is outdated, and we should change with the times, as Grand Order is subtly encouraging us to do.