kudus said:
post #2868223 - Somewhat bland fanservice and a face that got stuck somewhere between more normal proportions and a lackluster attempt at wideface. Dunno.
post #2868222 - Bland cowboy shot with uncannily wide hips and bad hands.
Rignak said:
Should I refrain from uploading from dofskih's deviantart ? Because when I begun, the pictures were accepted almost immediatly, but since yesterday, more than half of them don't pass the pending :
post #2867112
post #2867107
post #2867115
You mean bodskih’s Deviantart? The artist does a good job at emulating the official One Piece anime style. I can’t speak for others, especially the approvers, but I find neither Oda Eiichirou’s style nor the toned-down anime style particularly appealing, especially when they’re anatomically challenged.
Maybe the same single approver approved most of those uploads until recently and is either preoccupied at the moment or lost interest in those posts.