
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

onlyaw said:

Can "Crotch Peeping" be a tag? I've seen a couple of images with it.

There's also an article using that word,
apparently Japan has a rotating Crotch Peeping platform.

Doesn't looking_through_legs cover that?

Updated by DanbooruBot

BrokenEagle98 said:

post #2850064

Is there a name for how things are drawn in as if the character was actually in a drawing.

I just guessed and added cat ears + cat tail + drawing...

Bumping this as I just uploaded something else that needs this tag (post #2866247). There's a specific drawn wings that applies to mine, though it's definitely underpopulated.

Do we need a new tag for the general idea of "drawn-on" features?


post #2866319: The diagram / mission plan / whatever on the whiteboard. I wanted to use diagram but that looks like it's for when the image itself is a diagram, not contains one.

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