The description for pool #3020 stipulates that posts where "a person or a mecha is the center" aren't candidates for the pool. Requiring that images in the pool be focused on scenery rather than characters is kind of a big deal, because apart from an entirely subjective emphasis on beauty, it's the only common thread tying these images together. Relaxing this requirement makes it just a pool for "stunning" scenes in general, which is hardly any different from a favorites pool.
In spite of this, I've noticed an upswing in the pooling of posts that clearly disregard this rule. A few of the more extreme examples from the last couple months are post #2713701, post #2740912, post #2767409, and post #2768667, but there are plenty more like them. The characters take up so much of these images that you can hardly see the backgrounds, and what you can see isn't particularly detailed in the first place. Not really appropriate for a pool that supposedly puts scenery first and people at a distant second.
If these were the only offending posts in the pool, I'd just remove them and not worry too much about it, but it seems that this pool is overdue for a much bigger cleanup. Purging dozens of posts from a pool is likely to raise a few eyebrows, so it seemed prudent to announce my intentions here beforehand and make sure that this is the correct course of action, lest anyone get the wrong idea here. Hopefully there can be some agreement here about what does and doesn't belong in the pool, and if we need to revise the pool's description to be more clear about its purpose, suggestions are welcome.