post #9000000 GET!

Perfect pool purge perhaps?

Posted under General

Some Perfect pools are dedicated to features that are hard to do well or whatever, but there's the issue of moderating their contents and the fact that the existence of any Perfect pools encourages users to create more of them. I've made several calls to delete all of them, but could we at least try to find consensus on deleting a few more?

EDIT: And since they've been mentioned below, the "Beautiful" pools are the exact same problem:

But these posts are apparently neither perfect nor beautiful:

Related: topic #7921: "Limiting subjective (hot/perfect/beautiful) pools."


I agree with deleting all of them, these pools are 100% subjective and not moderated, so given enough different users contributing to them almost anything can wind up in them and they become meaningless.

Pretty much the same thing as these pools can be accomplished with metatags anyway. For example, searching for ass favcount:15.. or similar instead of pool:Perfect_Ass.

"The Perfect Woman" woman pool has been deleted, and the "Perfect Body" is basically the same, so it should go as well.

Just keep only perfect hands and feet. Maybe rename them to "artist helper: feet" instead. We already have a pool called "artist helper: anatomy" (pool #86)

What I'd like to see gone the most are:

  • perfect face/body (must be in x number of pools)
  • perfect penis/pussy/anus (I mean what the hell!?)
  • perfect neck (equals nape/neck tag)
  • perfect waist (this pool is a gigantic pile of bad_anatomy)
  • Beautiful Agony(pool #2197), Beautiful Sadness(pool #4276), Beautiful Anger(pool #4424)

kissing, ass, breasts are just generally useless. (should equal order:score/favcout searches.

+1 for the purge. Nothing of value will be lost.

S1eth said:
Just keep only perfect hands and feet. Maybe rename them to "artist helper: feet" instead. We already have a pool called "artist helper: anatomy" (pool #86)

They're still a subjective collection of hands and feet posts though, the usual order:score/favcount searches should suffice.

Renaming to "artist helper: X" like in pool #86 might help if there's a bit of cleaning up and moderation, though I'm not sure how useful even those pools might be. Judging by pool #86, not many people give a damn.

S1eth said:

What I'd like to see gone the most are:

  • perfect face/body (must be in x number of pools)
  • perfect penis/pussy/anus (I mean what the hell!?)
  • perfect neck (equals nape/neck tag)
  • perfect waist (this pool is a gigantic pile of bad_anatomy)
  • Beautiful Agony(pool #2197), Beautiful Sadness(pool #4276), Beautiful Anger(pool #4424)

kissing, ass, breasts are just generally useless. (should equal order:score/favcout searches.

This, very much. I also believe that pool #86 is appropriate for those of the most quality.

I would have to agree on the purge and/or renaming them to artist helper:x. The only problem that I see with the renaming is the artists that I know would rather have live reference rather than another artist's drawing.

MagicalAsparagus said:
I liked the idea of "beautiful smile", but then people started to dump all kinds of crap there ._.

That's the problem with all of these pools. They're not bad ideas per se (any user has the right to find some aspect of an image beautiful or even perfect) but it's when you make a public pool out of it and turn it into a dump of collective favorites that it becomes useless clutter.

Which makes me wonder: would it be possible to add some sort of collection-type pool functionality to favorites? This might be a good way to handle subjective stuff like this. Users would still be able to maintain their own themed collections of posts (which could be browsed by others too like their favorites or subscriptions) if they are so inclined, without the rest of us having to deal with it.

Could provide a little extra incentive for upgrading their account too.

Fred1515 said:

Which makes me wonder: would it be possible to add some sort of collection-type pool functionality to favorites? This might be a good way to handle subjective stuff like this. Users would still be able to maintain their own themed collections of posts (which could be browsed by others too like their favorites or subscriptions) if they are so inclined, without the rest of us having to deal with it.

Could provide a little extra incentive for upgrading their account too.

See issue #635.

I still don't see the benefit in making them public, but I agree that private collection-pool-like favorites could help with this.

There's been past threads and more than a few past posts regarding the "Perfect" pools issue and enough points given as to why very few of them are actually worth keeping, but no extensive action taken up to this point except for the worst ones that were deleted. Let's actually get something done this time and not just blow it off again.

Again, the vast majority of these pools are just dumping grounds that people shovel posts into. These are really just public collections that go against the already subjective title of "Perfect". It's just stupid. At the very least, Perfect Feet is one of the few of these that actually remains well-maintained.

Fred1515 said:

Which makes me wonder: would it be possible to add some sort of collection-type pool functionality to favorites? This might be a good way to handle subjective stuff like this. Users would still be able to maintain their own themed collections of posts (which could be browsed by others too like their favorites or subscriptions) if they are so inclined, without the rest of us having to deal with it.

Could provide a little extra incentive for upgrading their account too.

This sounds like a good solution, as private collection pools. +1 for it.

Fred1515 said:

Which makes me wonder: would it be possible to add some sort of collection-type pool functionality to favorites? This might be a good way to handle subjective stuff like this. Users would still be able to maintain their own themed collections of posts (which could be browsed by others too like their favorites or subscriptions) if they are so inclined, without the rest of us having to deal with it.

It sounds like the same functionality might be employed to create small per-user "translation requested" pools. Such pools might help our talented translators find the images that the most people are hoping for translations on...

RaisingK said:

Okay. So. Can we delete all of the pools in the OP by default, and then people can argue for undeleting specific pools, and then we can ignore those people?

Sounds like a plan to me. Same should apply to any Perfect/Beautiful/other completely subjective pools created in the future too.

Toks said:

Pretty much the same thing as these pools can be accomplished with metatags anyway. For example, searching for ass favcount:15.. or similar instead of pool:Perfect_Ass.

That doesn't give you the images with the best asses, it gives you the images people like for whatever reason that also happen to have an ass in them. Not saying there aren't subjectivity problems here, but let's not pretend tag+favcount is going to get you the best instances of the tag.

Now, if there was some way to mark an image as being a good instance of a tag, THAT would be an excellent replacement for these pools. It could be tied into favorites, like you choose which tags are the reason you favorited an image. That would give a lot more insight into what people really like.


nice_starship said:

Now, if there was some way to mark an image as being a good instance of a tag, THAT would be an excellent replacement for these pools. It could be tied into favorites, like you choose which tags are the reason you favorited an image. That would give a lot more insight into what people really like.

I had a similar thought recently - obsessive tagging makes it hard to find images focused on certain tag, alas. But we'd need a tag weighting system to resolve that (highly relevant <-> just a minor detail). Maybe it's not that hard to implement the system itself, but thinking out a fast way to do searches based on relevance, fast way to weigh existing tags and then gardening all existing posts would be quite a task.

Type-kun's suggestion sounds good. Heck, it could solve the dilemma of a solo_focus equivalent for multiple subjects. I'd imagine it would be visually rep'd by bolded_tags, but dunno what'd be a quick way to designate such tags, or if we'd want to restrict low-"rank" users from being able to.

NeverGonnaGive said:

or if we'd want to restrict low-"rank" users from being able to.

This is why it should be based on votes or favorites or something similar, it's too subjective for a simple binary "this tag is/isn't a focus". Even if you restrict it, the people who have access wouldn't always agree. It should be more like "5 out of 6 users think this is a good example of this tag". You could bold the ones above a certain threshhold and maybe show the percentage or ratio next to each tag.

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