post #9000000 GET!

"Two side up" hairstyle

Posted under General

fossilnix said:

What's the difference here, is it that the up parts are significantly shorter than the down parts? Does Segawa Izumi count?

i'm not really sure how to describe this, but when i try to look into haqua's hair, the thinner parts, are almost perpendicular to the side of the head. these split(?) hair might be as long as a regular ahoge and yes, a lot shorter and fewer than the majority of the character's hair.

how i would differentiate this from two_side_up is the latter's bunched up or grouped portions are significantly greater and easily recognizable, which is exactly the opposite of the former.

i personally wouldn't count haqua's hair twintails nor short_twintails.

surprisingly, many of tsukamoto_tenma are currently tagged as short_twintails, which i believe personally is a mistagging practice. short_twintails implicates twintails but twintails require "ALL of the hair must be tied into two pigtails for this tag to count". haqua and tenma's hair are not twintails based on its very definition.

segawa_izumi's split(?) hair is significantly fuller than the mentioned characters earlier. it's currently tagged either as two_side_up or twintails. i personally wouldn't mind reclassifying post #602445 with a new tag but not post #438596 .

parasol said:

So: thin and/or perpendicular? Does the rest of the hair have to be down?

Some characters to consider: andou_mahoro, ogiue_chika, yagyu_freesia, nakahara_komugi, nyaa-tan, hitomi_sena, hatopuu, solty_revant, arisa_bannings, young takamachi_nanoha... mazinger_z (heh)

it's definitely need to be very few and very thin, so it will not overlap with two_side_up. having an almost perpendicular position at the side of the head is a most likely general feature but not a requirement as the hair may curl a bit down.

thanks for mentioning mahoro, she's actually in my mind but failed remembering her for some reason. regarding the others it may be a good start, but i prefer looking at it on a case by case basis as some of those may fit very well with two_side_up. as much as a like to add mazinger_z, it's more likely a pitot tube or radio antenna? =)

parasol said:

So: thin and/or perpendicular? Does the rest of the hair have to be down?

Some characters to consider: andou_mahoro, ogiue_chika, yagyu_freesia, nakahara_komugi, nyaa-tan, hitomi_sena, hatopuu, solty_revant, arisa_bannings, young takamachi_nanoha... mazinger_z (heh)

Takamachi Nanoha from the first Nanoha series has twintails, her hair is fully bound into those twintails, despite how thin they are (post #1115).

I also think Andou Mahoro from Mahoromatic and Solty Revant from Solty Rei are somewhat different hairstyles from the other examples. The other examples brought up have been bound hair, where Mahoro or Solty don't actually have hair that is bound up. Of note the other examples tend to get thinner as it gets closer to the head because it's reaching the point where they're tied. Mahoro and Solty's don't, because it's a "natural" shape of their hair.

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