A 1998-2004 manga by Nakayama Bunjuurou, with illustrations by Ditama Bow, serialized in Wani Books' Comic Gum. Also adapted into two successive anime series by Gainax and SHAFT, Mahoromatic in 2001-02 and Mahoromatic ~Motto Utsukushii Mono~ (まほろまてぃっく~もっと美しいもの~, lit. Mahoromatic ~Something More Beautiful~) in 2002-03.
- Andou Mahoro
- Andou Minawa
- Misato Suguru
- Ooe Chizuko
- Sakura Harune
- Sakura Miyuki
- Shikijou Saori
- Slash
- Todoriki Rin