post #9000000 GET!

[REJECTED] Tag alias: tanned_cirno -> cirno

Posted under Tags

Cephalopa said:

EDIT: Err, shoot, I don't know how to change this to an update request instead.

You can't... but the above alias request can always be rejected, and a BUR can be created with update instead... I'll fix that for you...

Flandre5carlet said:

Mass update all tanned_cirno to cirno and tag all the current and future pictures of that design with Hidden Star In Four Seasons is what would make the most sense to me.

Distinct dress with the sunflower at the front.
makes sense to me. But I guess it should be tagged with "Hidden Star in Four Seasons" when she really wears that specific dress-sunflower combination. A simple tan might not be enough...but then I've written comment #1685078. But I think I'll refrain from that opinion now.

Yeah, I absolutely mean the specific design from the game, or otherwise if there is some sort of indication that it's specifically referring to that game; not just any Cirno + tan. Should have been clearer.

feline_lump said:

Like I mentioned earlier in topic #14036, it has never been precedent to tag game-specific character appearances with the games themselves.

Is that really the case? I've found numerous examples in the past from various franchises where game specific appearance are tagged with that particular game, eg. Ken Masters's banana hair tagged with street_fighter_v, Aya's disguise tagged with forbidden_scrollery, to only cite a few - which is how I came to tag things myself as a result.
Is that tagging habit a mistake, then, because it made the most logical sense to me and makes some things very easy to find without creating "needless" tags.

Creating full character tags for costume changes to me is only necessary when it's a significant costume change that isn't necessarily tied to one single appearance in the series, or a popular fan made costume, making it so that you can't find that particular costume with an easy character + game search. (eg. Ex-keine is "technically" tied to Imperishable_night but it's part of her character and not just a game specific appearance - or achi_cirno which is a fanmade theme change for Cirno.)


We have this rule established for the Touhou game tags:

NOTE: Due to most characters appearing in more than one game, only the "Touhou" tag should be used unless a specific game is directly referenced by the content of the post. All of the characters in a picture having debuted in the same game is not sufficient to constitute a direct reference. Depicting the full cast of a game (with or without the protagonists) will usually count as a direct reference, so long as no other characters are present.

This effectively allows someone to search for "primary" fanart (art referencing the games specifically) over "secondary" fanart (art based off of fanon), something that is useful for a portion of our userbase. While there is nothing explicitly prohibiting people from tagging game-specific costumes with their respective games, and some people do choose to do so (e.g. many posts in the perfect cherry blossom tag), imposing it as a standard would require a lot of gardening with little to negative payoff. For instance, Yakumo Yukari has a drastically different outfit in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (see post #2707217), as opposed to the standard one in her other appearances (post #2459959). We could go through and manually retag all of those images with the game they appear in, but what would that accomplish other than flooding the tag and diluting relevant posts (e.g. post #1810937, post #921460)?

If we had these tagging standards when Phantasmagoria of Flower View came out, it might have made sense at the time to tag all (9) posts with the game's tag - it's a joke from the manual, after all. Now we can clearly see why that's a bad idea: the (9) joke was adopted by the fandom at large and taken far out its original context, and now (9) posts outnumber tagged PoFV posts nearly ten to one. I can see the same process happening with tanned Cirno: already, we're getting posts that are complete fanon, like post #2718088. It's best to be proactive and change the tagging now, instead of opening this discussion again after a few years have passed and there are a thousand more posts to garden.

Well, can't one just search for scarlet_weather_rhapsody -solo if they want to then avoid all the pictures tagged with it for outfit reasons?
A significant outfit change only appearing in that game sounds to me like the kind of direct reference to the specific game that you should be able to find with its tag.

I agree with the arguments voiced by feline lump in forum #131114. Additionally, having a tag for specific and non-standard character appearance is simply more convenient.

Flandre5carlet said:

Well, can't one just search for scarlet_weather_rhapsody -solo if they want to then avoid all the pictures tagged with it for outfit reasons?

Your example would only work if the addition of game specific tags is restricted for posts where the character is solo. But this creates another exception and a very non-obvious one. I can say for sure that it would lead to a lot of confusion and/or mistagging.

On a related note, searches that require exclusions are prone to missing relevant results. So we usually try to not rely on them too much.

I also support adoption of the summer_cirno tag proposed in topic #14036.