This was discussed a bit on Discord, but wanted to bring it up here before going ahead with it... (the following was edited for relevant content)
May 8, 2017
Sacriven said:
People really should stop tagging "hidden star in four seasons" tag to every picture of Larva, Komano, and SakataTouhou series tags should be used only when every characters of that series are present in one picture.
BrokenEagle98 - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
I've used various Touhou series tags before to indicate a certain outfit that a character wore for that series...
Not sure of another good way to tag that...?
Sacriven - Yesterday at 9:43 PM
I think it's no longer needed, Bro. You can simply search *character name_(cosplay) tag and get the same result.
I think it's best to limit the usage of series tag like what I mentioned before.
If every single characters are tagged with their respective series, then it will accomplish in the same way like general Touhou tag.
BrokenEagle98 - Yesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah, I get where you're coming from....
Still, like I mentioned, without some kind of series qualifier, it will no longer be easy to find, like Marisa, with the outfit that she wore in ... let's say Subterraneum Animism...
Users would have to search through 10's of thousands of posts if they wanted to find those...
I guess we could always treat those like named-outfits....
E.g. '''kirisame marisa outfit (subterraneum animism)''', or something like that...?(edited)
Sacriven - Yesterday at 11:41 PM
@BrokenEagle98 that's a good idea actually, but I think that tag is too long :joy:
May 9, 2017
BrokenEagle98 - Today at 8:39 AM
@Sacriven I've seen much much longer tags, but if tag length is an issue, it could always be shortened to the standard acronyms for games, i.e. eosd for embodiment of scarlet devil, sa for subterraneum animism.
I personally don't mind the length because of autocomplete, but what do others think...?
Randeel - Today at 8:43 AM
Does it matter if the tag is 10 characters long or 50 characters long if autocomplete exists?
evazion - Today at 8:44 AM
it makes the tag list difficult to read when really long tags wrap around onto multiple lines
I don't think using acronyms for qualifiers is a common practice, but imho it's a good idea
Sacriven - Today at 8:49 AM
Now I understand what you mean by "clothing" and "series" talks before. You mean something like this right, @BrokenEagle98 ?
BrokenEagle98 - Today at 8:51 AM
Yeah, exactly... there are quite a few outfits that are visually unique from each series/game, and beeing able to search for those would be a benefit..
Sacriven - Today at 9:01 AM
how about using general tags like forbidden_scrollery_(costumes)
BrokenEagle98 - Today at 9:02 AM
That could work... you lose some search precision, but it narrows it down enough so you can find what you want...
+1 to that idea
I'm up for the above idea, but am more favorable to using a singular form for the qualifier. Additionally, "outfit" sounds a bit better as a qualifer (to me). Regardless on what the qualifier should be though, the tags would of course be general tags, i.e. not copyright tags.
So what do others think about the above idea...?