On a side note, I don't know how desired it would be, but I'd like if we could have an option to double-check if we want to approve a post that's either flagged/pending/deleted outside of the mod queue when clicking 'Approve' from the sidebar. This is because I accidentally click the approve option when I meant to click the delete option (they're right next to each other on the sidebar).
EDIT: Tried moving favorites on post #2242409 to double check and yeah, it isn't properly unvoted/unscored. It's not a big deal, but it is somewhat mystifying to see a post with high score and absolutely zero favorites on it.
Removing the favorites from a child removes any votes given by each favoriter, if those vote records still exist. But like BrokenEagle said, after 90 days the vote records are gone, so when there are no upvote records to remove, the score won't decrease.
It could be changed so that removing a gold favorite adds a downvote to decrease the score. But you can't generally assume that each Gold favorite gave one upvote. Favorites added when a person was a Member didn't give upvotes. And up to a few years ago (can't remember when it changed), it used to be possible for a person to give either +1 by favoriting, or +2 by favoriting and upvoting. And to be really pedantic, it's technically possible to favorite a post then downvote it.
So in general, it's difficult to fix the scores accurately. I think ultimately the idea of replacing the image itself (issue #2949) will be a better route to go.
On a side note, I don't know how desired it would be, but I'd like if we could have an option to double-check if we want to approve a post that's either flagged/pending/deleted outside of the mod queue when clicking 'Approve' from the sidebar. This is because I accidentally click the approve option when I meant to click the delete option (they're right next to each other on the sidebar).
Does anyone actually use the Approve link in the sidebar? It could have a confirmation dialog, but if no one uses it it could just be removed. I would think most people use the approval toolbar in the header.
Does anyone actually use the Approve link in the sidebar? It could have a confirmation dialog, but if no one uses it it could just be removed. I would think most people use the approval toolbar in the header.
I use it sometimes to approve posts I accidentally clicked "no interest" on or have a change of heart on. That, and I believe it's the only way to currently undelete posts as of the moment.
Sometimes i can't scroll my mouse regularly on site, and will be fixed if i can open new tab site.
evazion said:
Has anyone else encountered this? I've had it happen to me a couple times but I'm not sure what triggered it.
I'm beginning to encounter this too. I will lose the ability to scroll after opening a few pages in Danbooru unless I open a new tab. This is also in Chrome.
I'm beginning to encounter this too. I will lose the ability to scroll after opening a few pages in Danbooru unless I open a new tab. This is also in Chrome.
For reference, I don’t think I ever encountered a problem like that with Firefox.
Removing the favorites from a child removes any votes given by each favoriter, if those vote records still exist. But like BrokenEagle said, after 90 days the vote records are gone, so when there are no upvote records to remove, the score won't decrease.
It could be changed so that removing a gold favorite adds a downvote to decrease the score. But you can't generally assume that each Gold favorite gave one upvote. Favorites added when a person was a Member didn't give upvotes. And up to a few years ago (can't remember when it changed), it used to be possible for a person to give either +1 by favoriting, or +2 by favoriting and upvoting. And to be really pedantic, it's technically possible to favorite a post then downvote it.
So in general, it's difficult to fix the scores accurately. I think ultimately the idea of replacing the image itself (issue #2949) will be a better route to go.
Oh, that makes sense -- just dawned on me since I unfavorited something and didn't see the score go down. Ah well. Also noted that after those 90 days expire since your last vote, you can vote on it again.
I'm highly for the idea of replacing the image itself, so I'm waiting for it.
Not sure when this started, but when I went to save a tag to my save searches I couldn't find the "save search" button any more. Disabling my extensions and user scripts didn't help, and tried with Chrome as well but no cigar.
Not sure when this started, but when I went to save a tag to my save searches I couldn't find the "save search" button any more. Disabling my extensions and user scripts didn't help, and tried with Chrome as well but no cigar.
There's a "+" button near the search bar which opens the dropdown menu, "save search" has been moved there.