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dated tag and individual year tags

Posted under Tags

Are dated images supposed to be tagged with the year the date is from?

Right now multiple users are doing it, but I thought that the individual year tags were for images that have the year number prominently displayed (for example, post #2658753), and that adding images where the year appears as part of the "day this was drawn" date dilutes the tag. Searching for 2017 -dated (for example) isn't an effective solution, because along with excluding posts where the year is part of the date, it would also exclude posts that have both a prominently displayed year and a date.

(I searched for previous discussions, and found topic #7540 and topic #11215, neither of which has a clear resolution.)

I believe this mostly has to do with @iphn and his gardening. There are other users that do it, but as I'm aware he's the one that has tagged most of them.

I've only tagged 2017 (and other years) when the year number is displayed prominently in the image (whether it be in Japanese as ニ〇十七 or just in plain arabic). It dilutes the 2017 tag otherwise, as practically all images dated past the new year would also be tagged 2017 (unless artist leaves the year out).

I started doing it because iphn was doing it and I saw no reason not to. Dated images with no year are actually quite common in my experience anyway. I'm not really bothered as to whether to do this or not, but would like a consensus on the matter.

I'm fine with others tagging 2017 on dated, but it just seems a bit too over-encompassing for me. Kind of like how there was that user back some time ago that tagged everything with even small amounts of text text, although that's a big exaggeration.

I was doing the year tag plus the dated tag, but like NeverGonnaGive said, I'll reconsider doing that in the future. I may even go back and fix my previous posts to fit with what's being discussed here, unless there's some consensus otherwise.

Tagging the year whenever it appears with a date has seemed to be the standard practice here for quite some time, so I've tried to follow suit. I completely understand the reasoning behind limiting year tags to only those images where it is particularly prominent, though. If the consensus here is to limit use of these tags, we should be sure to note this in the wiki pages, including tag group:year tags.

Their seems to be consensus on this (7 yays,0 nays). I've updated the wiki tag group:year tags.


These tags are for images where the year or month are displayed prominently in the image, or form a major part of the image's theme. Do not tag if they are only part of a date!

Please review and update as needed.

On a side note, I believe that the tag group:year tags wiki should be renamed and changed to tag group:time tags, since it already includes months, plus the change would allow it to be inclusive of other time tags. Thoughts?

Mmmmm... yeah, I guess that can also apply, but the current concern is the intense saturation of year tags on images where it's merely dated.

Can't quite "date" search it either since upload date on booru =/= de facto upload date from artist