It's a tagging mistake, due to the fact pixiv has no set standards for adding tags to posts (although they do have an encyclopedia for the most well known ones). So PPP for some artists seems to refer to any member of the group, rather than the whole team.
post #2660764 Is there a tag for animals with humanoid behavior?
I would think that "anthropomorphism" would be the correct concept, though that is confusingly (since I think it's a different concept as used here) aliased to personification. Was aliased in topic #8537 supposedly due to discussion in topic #7725, though in that thread, it looks like NWF Renim thought of "anthropomorphism" as I'm thinking of it now. Maybe the discussion on the alias needs to be revisited.
In the shopping bag at the bottom-left corner in post #2668524, what is the round vegetable? Also just to check: the other vegetables are cabbage leaves (specifically bok_choy and chinese cabbage)?