post #2673804 If a character's shadow is in the picture, but the actual person is not, do they still get tagged?
When the image is monochrome/greyscale and the character is shown to have black hairand you know for a fact that this character officially has black hair, e.g. post #2673670 Goku, Videl, do you still tag it with black hair? I personally wouldn't because for all we know the artist could have changed the character's hair colour (e.g. to dark purple) and depicted it as black in monochrome, unlikely but possible lol.
When the image is monochrome/greyscale and the character is shown to have black hairand you know for a fact that this character officially has black hair, e.g. post #2673670 Goku, Videl, do you still tag it with black hair? I personally wouldn't because for all we know the artist could have changed the character's hair colour (e.g. to dark purple) and depicted it as black in monochrome, unlikely but possible lol.
Don't know if this was a new question or an answer to Tapper...
If it's the former, then I'd say it kind of depends. If the image is fully monochrome, then the hair color, or any color for that matter, do not get tagged. However if it's partially colored or spot color, then it can be a bit of a judgement call...
Does this count as crossover or parody? No character is imitating anything from any other series, but all characters here are from the same series...
For now I've tagged it parody on the grounds that this sort of counts as cosplay.
If it doesn't already exist, I think we need a tag for these kinds of pseudo-crossovers, where characters or objects from one series appear a separate series in a form that implies the former series is fictional in the latter's universe.
(While I'm here, I may as well also ask whether or not series that exist solely for the sake of a multiple crossover (such as Smash Bros. or Super Robot wars) should be tagged as such.)
I'm not sure I understand. Is it because of the Pikachu pajamas Flandre is wearing? My thought is that it should be a crossover and notparody since it sort of involves two copyrights and although Pikachu itself is not there a product of it exists, implying a crossover.
I'm not sure I understand. Is it because of the Pikachu pajamas Flandre is wearing? My thought is that it should be a crossover and notparody since it sort of involves two copyrights and although Pikachu itself is not there a product of it exists, implying a crossover.
IMO, it counts as a cosplay, which doesn't count as crossover. I tend to feel it doesn't need a parody tag either unless there's something else (not costume-related) being referenced.
IMO, it counts as a cosplay, which doesn't count as crossover. I tend to feel it doesn't need a parody tag either unless there's something else (not costume-related) being referenced.
Yes, I think character hoodies are a form of cosplay.
KyteM said:
post #2674843 What's she wearing and how'd you tag the line and noise patterns.
Pretty sure that's a sling bikini. Sadly no idea about the patterns. Hologram maybe? Since they look less like magic and more like technology.
A bit of a general tagging question. How are the year tags like 2017 or 2016 used? I've been using it for dated images like post #2651012, post #2618579 or everything by inuno_rakugaki, but recently the year tags has been removed from inuno_rakugaki's posts and I want to make sure if I'm doing it wrong.
The wiki says that a panty_peek is similar to a pantyshot. A pantyshot requires the panties to be underneath some clothes so I'd say panty peek should be considered the same.
Since the girl in the post only equips underwear, I would say no.