
[Feature Request/Discussion] Searchable Banned Content

Posted under General

This is a proposal for a new feature that's been lingering on my mind for some time regarding how we handle content from banned artists.

As it stands, the way that banning content works is that the image itself is not viewable by member-level users. Searching for banned content will not work unless you are at least Gold+.

However, if the image is only to be hidden and the search tags are still available, then what if we, instead of just having banned posts be completely hidden from those users being able to search them, just leave some sort of a placeholder/thumbnail image indicating that that content is banned? That way these posts are searchable by all users (not just Gold+) and still easy to find, but we're sidestepping the fact that we're 'hosting' their content to all users that browse this site. These posts will still be accessible from the source link just as long as the source link continues to remain live.

The longer backstory for this is that I noticed that Provence went and uploaded post #2655103, and this got me thinking a little bit -- as builders with unrestricted uploads and approval privileges, how acceptable would it be to upload content from banned artists that are well tagged, and then are immediately banned/hidden right after uploading? Of course, this method of uploading would really only apply to users that can ban posts, users with approval privileges. But I think there could also be a way for users with unrestricted uploads (or just Builders in general) to upload 'banned' content through this method. Say, if there were a option box/checkmark on the upload page to mark their upload as banned content.

Banned content can be instantly marked through the bookmarklet, duly noted.

In summary, since images are banned but the tags/other relevant content are not purged with it, this feature request is for banned posts to be indexed and searchable by member-level users (through displaying placeholders/thumbnails) while leaving the original image unavailable. So let's discuss it.

I'll ping some users related to the codebase since this is also quite relevant to them @evazion @BrokenEagle98

EDIT: For clarity


Sorry, let me try to elaborate.

  • Instead of hiding banned content altogether from being searched by Member level users, put a placeholder instead so the image is still searchable (albeit invisible)
  • Allow builders (or users with unrestricted uploads/users with approval privileges) to upload posts as banned through some sort of option box/checkmark

Yeah, what Gollgagh said.


I only uploaded this post, because the source was a bit fishy and the artist has a Pixiv where the "full size" is stored (and the image was good enough).
One should normally not upload from banned artists...
Besides if you upload a post from banned artist via the bookmark then the image should be banned post #2657180 which wasn't banned by Saladofstones manually...

Normally, but I just think it'd be a waste if we weren't allowed to make their posts searchable. Searching for specific content is pixiv or seiga is pretty difficult, which is why I mention this. Like most entries with black or brown hair on pixiv aren't usually tagged 黒髪 or 茶髪 unless it's a significant element of the image (or someone just bothered to put it there).

EDIT: If it's banned automatically then I guess that solves one problem. That would essentially cross out that second bullet point. I thought all banned posts had to be banned manually, but I'll chalk it up to my lack of knowledge.

Well, I don't know everything about it, too. In fact, I don't know how this even work :3.
But if you can add the artist via the "Artist" search when uploading and it appears, then it should always be banned.
If you upload it from and add the artist manually (i.e. you write the artist's name, then it shouldn't be banned. Or if you add the artist afterwards. But that's only a guess...
@evazion @BrokenEagle98 ?

And what do you mean by the first paragraph? It's searchable for Gold+ users, not for Member level users...? It just works like any other search: Just add some tags and it works.

So if I'm understanding correctly, this feature is for users to be able to find content, even though they can't necessarily see it on Danbooru...? The purpose being so that they can follow the source link to see the content at the source...? Is that it, or is there something else?

To answer Provence's question, posts get autobanned if the tag "banned_artist" is in the tags field. Banned artists are aliased to "banned_artist", so if you add the tag of a banned artist at upload it will be banned. If you add it after post creation, it won't get banned automatically.

BrokenEagle98 said:

So this feature is for users to be able to find content, even though they can't necessarily see it on Danbooru...? The purpose being so that they can follow the source link to see the content at the source...? Is that it, or is there something else?

To answer Provence's question, posts get autobanned if the tag "banned_artist" is in the tags field. Banned artists are aliased to "banned_artist", so if you add the tag of a banned artist at upload it will be banned. If you add it after post creation, it won't get banned automatically.

I assume it's so non-gold users know that a search is being returned, but that they aren't allowed to access it, so they can stop bringing it up in the forum occasionally asking why they get blank pages.

CodeKyuubi said:

Iirc, the last time the topic of (intentionally) uploading banned art came up, I think albert expressed implicitly that uploading banned art was okay.

Reading through this two-year-old post, it seems like the point of the current "hide, but don't delete" system is so that the art is preserved, but the artists can search their names and have nothing come up. Under the proposed system, all the entries of their artwork would still be visible to them, showing that nothing had been removed except the thumbnails, and that their new art was still being cataloged. Wouldn't this cause problems?

Presumably the above. Skirting uploads from banned artists is indeed pretty bad (as with the person tapnek linked), but I'm okay with uploading from banned artists with the intention of having that content banned in the first place. I just care that it's available to be searched.

And yeah, that's what I meant @BrokenEagle98. We can allow for regular users to 'search' the content, but not view it here. I think that wouldn't be against rules at all since we're essentially just "tagging" their work and making a link available to it (as long as it continues to remain available), sort of serving the purpose of a 'database'.

@Provence If you search banned_artist as a member user or user not logged in, all you get is pages upon pages of blank search results. You can try it in an incognito browser if you'd like.

tapnek said:

We really shouldn't be allowed to upload art from banned artists, lest we end up like this guy. Besides, some banned artists like shin'en_(gyokuro_company) are not even worth uploading from after the drama they have caused.

Eh, if they stir up drama then I'd like to believe his work will be skipped anyway due to the nature of his character. But personal problems of artists aside, I think it's worth something if we're allowed to skirt the lines for particularly popular artists like paseri or konomi_(kino_konomi), so that users who can't see it here can still see it there while being able to find it from here.

Artists could request to be banned for an number of reasons (like if they don't like the thought of their content's views being stolen or something), but if they've made their work public, then at the minimum we can always link posts back to their original source.


Not sure what you're getting at. The posts literally cannot be seen.

EDIT: I did read albert's response linked in forum #128349, and I'm pretty much in full agreement with it. If a Japanese artist is seriously strung on purging his content altogether from the server, then that option is there.

Mikaeri said:

Not sure what you're getting at. The posts literally cannot be seen.

Yes. That's wanted.
But there is still a possibility to search for this artist's posts even if you are only a Member. The wiki pages will link to the artist's Pixiv (and that's their intention, since they don't want to have their posts "hosted".
That means Members still have the possibility to search for that artist and see these artist's posts, only with some detours.

Or there are some major things I'm missing. I need to sleep anyway :3.

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