
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

I wonder how important drawn out explanations are for normal users about the proper URL for sourcing an image are to be front and center. For DeviantArt and ArtStation if they use the bookmarklet or URL source field (forum #126573)from the upload page, the proper URL will more than likely be fetched. I think the more technical explanation could serve as useful supplemental information under another header following an emphatic appeal to use the upload page URL box or bookmarklet–do you agree with that?

Oh, it works now? That's good to hear. I suppose we can rewrite those pages to do that, since I'm assuming most if not all uploaders have access to a device that can use the upload page URL box or bookmarklet...

Made some changes, let me know if they are coherent. Also Mikaeri the not about making sure the URL isn't for an image sample is moot. If you upload a /large/ by URL it will fetch the /original/ if available, I tested this.

Mikaeri said:

Alright, fair game. That goes for Twitter and other sites with samples too, right? Does it correct sample links from pixiv?

It should work for Twitter, users here have told me it does. I haven't actually tested it. I actually have started upload with the tweet URL and this works best for me since it doesn't sample and fetches commentary too.

Pixiv should be corrected by URL upload/bookmarklet. Pixiv samples come from downloading and uploading rather than URL upload I believe. @RaisingK is expert on this.

I believe image samples are more a function of downloading a picture and then uploading it more than anything else. We didn't have proper mechanisms in case for ArtStation so we were hemorrhaging samples for a while (probably over 50% a couple months back) but when they are in place the rates plummet.

BrokenEagle98 said:

I can confirm the bookmarklet works for Tumblr, since I used it just a few hours ago... not sure about just using the URL on the uploads page though...?

You mean with URL this here (for example)?
Well, it doesn't work. You get an error message, which is kinda annoying, because you have to change the source everytime when manually uploading from there.

Provence said:

You mean with URL this here (for example)?
Well, it doesn't work. You get an error message, which is kinda annoying, because you have to change the source everytime when manually uploading from there.

See Howto:Tumblr. Basically, open the image into a new tab from the post page, and then use the bookmarklet on that image.

Details and In-Depth Howto

The reason the above works is a bit technical. Basically, the opened image maintains the referring URL of the original post page, which is what Danbooru uses to fill in the source field. Additionally, Danbooru does a Regex substitution on the image url, automatically replacing the size at the end with _1280.

So, given the URL you listed above...

1. Navigate to

2. Right-click image and select "open image in new tab"

3. This brings into focus

4. Use the bookmarklet "Post to Danbooru"

5. It will have pulled in the correct image with the correct post URL

Size: 178 KB
Scaled 23% (original: 679x1713)

Compare the size of the above (679x1713) with the size of the original image (298x750). This shows that Danbooru has pulled in the correct image. The Referrer field also shows that it has pulled in the correct post URL.

BrokenEagle98 said:

See Howto:Tumblr. Basically, open the image into a new tab from the post page, and then use the bookmarklet on that image.

Details and In-Depth Howto

The reason the above works is a bit technical. Basically, the opened image maintains the referring URL of the original post page, which is what Danbooru uses to fill in the source field. Additionally, Danbooru does a Regex substitution on the image url, automatically replacing the size at the end with _1280.

So, given the URL you listed above...

1. Navigate to

2. Right-click image and select "open image in new tab"

3. This brings into focus

4. Use the bookmarklet "Post to Danbooru"

5. It will have pulled in the correct image with the correct post URL

Compare the size of the above (679x1713) with the size of the original image (298x750). This shows that Danbooru has pulled in the correct image. The Referrer field also shows that it has pulled in the correct post URL.

Would it be possible to pull the image directly from the URL, like it is already done with DeaviantArt, Pixiv or Nicoseiga?
I.e. just putting into the source field and the full size image gets uploaded.

Did some changes on howto:tag (also mentioned in the tagging requirement topic where I still wait for an answer if it's ok to delete the tagging requirement section).
I think that the changes are ok, but since this is more or less an "official" wiki on Danbooru, one should look over the grammar.

Provence said:

Did some changes on howto:tag (also mentioned in the tagging requirement topic where I still wait for an answer if it's ok to delete the tagging requirement section).
I think that the changes are ok, but since this is more or less an "official" wiki on Danbooru, one should look over the grammar.

The grammar was fine, but I spruced it up a bit...

  • Should esper be defined to refer specifically to the magical beings from FF6? That's how the tag was originally used, but lately we've started using it for characters from other series, which is problematic since we're using one tag for things that lack visual similarities.
  • What is roomscape supposed to be? Unlike landscape and cityscape, it isn't even a real word. I'm inclined to believe that this is just a favorites tag for aesthetic/detailed indoor settings, but a second opinion would be welcome.
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