
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

It's been on my mind for a while now to create a summary help page for all types of image samples, given our current policy on sampled images:

That, in addition to creating a sort of "mega flagging" thread for janitors to go through for images that fall under these in addition to md5 mismatches that are downscales or upscales with visible pixelation/scaling artifacts (since builders with unlimited uploads don't have unlimited flags... yet?). I can get started on writing entries for both of these soon, but I wonder where it would go on the help pages. Maybe under one of the categories in "Contributors: HELP WANTED" on help:home?

EDIT: I went ahead and created help:image samples, along with edits to all the sample tag wikis, howto:flag, help:flag notice, and help:home. If anyone feels the need to edit them a bit more, feel free.


@sweetpe​ɐ brought to attention in forum #124974 that resized images are not to be confused with duplicate. Here's the thing though, and this is what it says with the wiki page:

A few cases where the tag may be found:

  • Exact duplicates
  • Lower resolution versions of the same image
  • Images updated or "fixed" by the original artist
  • Generally, images of "lower" quality

So what exactly is our usage of duplicates, anyway? After all, it turns out if you search something like duplicate ~md5_mismatch ~resized ~twitter_sample ~pixiv_sample status:active you get some handful of images (around ~100) that dubiously fit the tag (and/or maybe also should be flagged).

Just wondering, since it seems that duplicate is a commonly blacklisted tag but there's no clear usage guidelines about it. For reference:

  • Exact duplicates -- not possible anymore given the upload page won't let you upload exact duplicates, even from different sources
  • Lower resolution versions of the same image -- resized, specifically downscaled
  • Images updated or "fixed" by the original artist -- revision with md5_mismatched child, it probably fits best here? But I don't know if I would call a previous rendition a 'duplicate'
  • Generally, images of "lower" quality -- resizing artifacts, jpeg artifacts, scan? (probably more comes to mind, but not at the moment)

EDIT: That being said, one place where I can see it being used is with pixiv/nicoseiga/nijie sourced parents and twitter children, for example.

Provence said:

Is there a visual difference between a coffee_mug and a coffee_cup? If no, how about aliasing them or at least an implication if there is one?

my personal opinion of this is both tags shouldn't exist. though i understand why they're created in the first place. coffee_mug is distinct from beer_mug hence the separation is perfectly valid. but what makes the mug tag then? catchall? would mug -beer_mug insufficient to cover coffee_mug? what if the content is hot_chocolate? so coffee_mug is used for other things and a misnomer? should we create distinct tags for content even if visually they're indistinguishable unless of course it is written or hinted somewhere?

coffee_cup seems to be used for different things and functions as a catchall for something tall starbucks-like cups, thermos/tumbler-types, and coffee paper_cups. we have styrofoam too. is a catchall/misnomer be fine with this or better with simply tagging on more general terms? these can all be simplified i guess.

Thanks for that. There's also a howto:pixiv page about Pixiv sourcing that could possibly be merged into help:image source, or at least linked from it.

Although now that I look, some of the information there has grown out of date. You shouldn't have to worry about samples if you use the bookmarklet on the page, and source:pixiv/artist_name searches haven't really worked for 2 years now.

@Mikaeri said:

Just a follow up to forum #125044, but I decided to revise the duplicate wiki page to be more accurate to our current use of the tag, along with some extra warnings about other prevalent tags that may be confused for it.

I have always considered "sampled" images as content which should receive the duplicate tag. As I understand, we call something a duplicate when it is essentially identical to the preferred image which is also the parent. For instance if an artist revises their image, that new one becomes the parent, the old one because the child and is tagged duplicate because it is no longer preferred.

Many and many other users adopted this treatment for sampled images as well. For a sample nothing is being revised by the author, we are simply correcting user error but nonetheless as the sample was not the preferred image we would make it the childed duplicate.

So I ask, why would we not continue treating samples in that manner? Is it because, whenever the original, non-sampled image is uploaded our practice is now to delete the sample? If that's the case than I'd accept your wiki changes. If not however, and sampled images remain active on the site, I think they should be tagged as duplicate.

Also I've been able to put much less attention into technical discussions on Danbooru. I mostly have time just to check sources for things to upload and the forum goes with entire pages of topics unread. This semester I've taken up to much so I apologize to you or anyone else if I have made arguments out of ignorance at some times. I can't be totally up to date here while trying to work full time and taking five classes at the same time.

sweetpeɐ said:

I have always considered "sampled" images as content which should receive the duplicate tag. As I understand, we call something a duplicate when it is essentially identical to the preferred image which is also the parent. For instance if an artist revises their image, that new one becomes the parent, the old one because the child and is tagged duplicate because it is no longer preferred.

Many and many other users adopted this treatment for sampled images as well. For a sample nothing is being revised by the author, we are simply correcting user error but nonetheless as the sample was not the preferred image we would make it the childed duplicate.

So I ask, why would we not continue treating samples in that manner? Is it because, whenever the original, non-sampled image is uploaded our practice is now to delete the sample? If that's the case than I'd accept your wiki changes. If not however, and sampled images remain active on the site, I think they should be tagged as duplicate.

Also I've been able to put much less attention into technical discussions on Danbooru. I mostly have time just to check sources for things to upload and the forum goes with entire pages of topics unread. This semester I've taken up to much so I apologize to you or anyone else if I have made arguments out of ignorance at some times. I can't be totally up to date here while trying to work full time and taking five classes at the same time.

Hm, fair enough I suppose. And I did see RaisingK tag duplicate when the sample was uploaded after the original was (see mamuru). Of course, this was with the presence of the original image, so an image sample can't quite imply duplicate.

I just think it's fairly repetitive work if in the process of replacing samples we have to remember to tag them duplicates also. But samples should never be active if their originals are already upped. Whenever you see such a thing, it deserves flagging for deletion.

As for revisions, some of them can be minor, or some of them can be fairly major, so I don't necessarily consider all older versions of them as duplicates.

I've spent maybe the past hour working on howto pages for uploading from all the major sites, and I'd appreciate if someone can look over them and maybe also help edit them for tidiness and clarity. They're all linked here but I suspect it might be worthwhile to put them into some sort of howto category.

Pages that still need to be revised for easier reading or more information:

Pages that need to be finished:

Pages completed/revised:

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 59