Tinami is a Japanese online community for artists. It is a minor source of images for Danbooru.
This page will describe how to upload from tinami, in addition to how to handle new artist entries in the case an entry doesn't already exist for the artist you're uploading a work from.
Uploading using the danbooru bookmarklet is currently unavailable for Tinami.
Additionally, uploading using the image URL on the uploads page will not work either. This is due to an issue with Tinami that requires the HTTP Referer header to be from the Tinami domain. (See issue #2818)
Therefore, uploading from Tinami requires downloading the image to your local machine, then uploading it using the file function from the uploads page.
After uploading the image, edit the source so that it points to the original post page and not the image link (ex: This will make it easier to find the artist and the original post that picture came from.
Artist naming
Before creating a new artist, search for an existing artist entry using the following steps:
1. Search for the artist Tinami profile URL (ex: from the Danbooru Artists page.
2. Search for any other URL from the artist's Tinami profile using the method in #1 above.
3. Use SauceNAO or IQDB to see if any of artist's thumbnail images turn up any hits for Danbooru. Note: Thumnail images do not have the same restrictions as regular image links, which is why this works
- See Help:Image Source for more help on reverse-image search engines.
- Use thumbnail images from the artists gallery and not their profile, as the profile thumbnails get cropped.
- This:
- Not this:
4. Create a new artist entry.
- See Howto:Artist for more information.
- Ask for help in topic #8199 if you are unsure.