
[bulk] An umbrella tag for all pokemon creatures

Posted under Tags

BrokenEagle98 said:

Yeesh, you're right. Hadn't considered that. Working it now. Luckily, there's only 16 pages to go through.

Probably need to go through stuffed_animal as well.

Actually, I'll wait to see if what others think, whether stuffed animal pokemon count or not...

I think that stuffed_animal versions should be left alone, as otherwise we'll have to tag any character doll with an implication for their copyright. That... would be painful.

Can anyone validate this old BUR for missing entries...

Link to request

I just ran my own mass updater, making sure to subtract cosplay and pokemon_(creature)...


update bulbasaur -personification -cosplay -humanization -pokemon_(creature) -> bulbasaur pokemon_(creature)

...and it tagged ~300 posts.


Also summoning the original creator of this topic/BUR.

If I get an updated version of the BUR, I can run it again to hopefully catch any misses.

Yes, if it's not too much trouble... :)

Also, this brings up an interesting point. This particular case highlights something not covered by implications, yet if it's not continually kept on, will slide into not being fully tagged like this one was. (~300 misses after ~8 months).

Therefore, instead of having to continually do or submit BURs for the same situation, it would be beneficial instead if there was a recurrence option that could be set for pure update requests (i.e. no imply/alias etc). These recurrence BURs would get run every month and could also be updated if required, e.g. where a new batch of Pokemon get released.


Provence said:

I hope the forum won't break down (again)....

Why would it? most of the posts were manually retagged already. At least now admin dashboard can be navigated more freely, it actually started to lag due to size of this particular request :3

Type-kun said:

Why would it? most of the posts were manually retagged already. At least now admin dashboard can be navigated more freely, it actually started to lag due to size of this particular request :3

I only feared it would be a Downbooru, because the first BUR caused it. But that's good.

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