
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

This isn't exactly the same as most other questions here, but I think it's still on-topic.

post #1675880 is a screencap redraw of post #608864. Screencap redraw is a subset of derivative work, and about half of those seem to be tagged as children of the original work.

So my question is: should the former post be tagged as a child of the latter? Based on the howto:post relationships line that describes derivatives, I'm leaning towards "yes" for a parent-child relation, but it looks like 0 of the other screencap redraws are tagged as children, so I thought I'd ask how to tag it here, just for clarification.

Updated by DanbooruBot

OniTea said:

post #2477301
Do we already have a tag for what she is holding? Reference here.

....I don't even know what is that thing. So no idea.

Provence said:

post #2477547
How should the white attire be tagged (if it's possible)?

Because the view is too limited, we don't know if it's a sleeveless dress or sleeveless shirt. Your choice.

Lolcatcat said:

This isn't exactly the same as most other questions here, but I think it's still on-topic.

post #1675880 is a screencap redraw of post #608864. Screencap redraw is a subset of derivative work, and about half of those seem to be tagged as children of the original work.

So my question is: should the former post be tagged as a child of the latter? Based on the howto:post relationships line that describes derivatives, I'm leaning towards "yes" for a parent-child relation, but it looks like 0 of the other screencap redraws are tagged as children, so I thought I'd ask how to tag it here, just for clarification.

Well, that screencap post shouldn't even be allowed to exists in Danbooru. But because it's from 6 years ago, where 'good' users and mods are limited in amount, so maybe it can be left there.

I say yes too.

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