Jan 18: If you hate the blacklist placeholder add .post-preview.blacklisted-active {display: none;} to your custom CSS in your user settings
Why not just make this into an official feature under Advanced Settings? I thought CSS was to be used for features that aren't necessary and barely requested by the majority of the userbase itself.
Why not just make this into an official feature under Advanced Settings? I thought CSS was to be used for features that aren't necessary and barely requested by the majority of the userbase itself.
I think they're going to just keep this up and hope people forget the old behavior existing and thus not having to put in a simple option box in the Advanced Settings.
Actually, regarding the blacklisted placeholder, I enabled it, not because it bothered me --- despite having an awesome and massively comprehensive personal blacklist to protect my soul from harm --- but because downloading something you are going to ignore anyway wastes overhead on both the site's and one's own bandwidth.
And I know this is increasingly less important theoretically. ( Remember when people were foaming at the mouth about hot-linking ? How far away those innocent days of youth seem now. )
Sorry to vere off topic here but, my CSS settings have been wiped clean so now i am veiwing the site in a straight line down. If i could get a copy of the CSS everyone else is using it would help me a lot.
Sorry to vere off topic here but, my CSS settings have been wiped clean so now i am veiwing the site in a straight line down. If i could get a copy of the CSS everyone else is using it would help me a lot.
I'm pretty sure the default is just blank. The only CSS I have is for hiding a couple specific users' comments.
I'm pretty sure the default is just blank. The only CSS I have is for hiding a couple specific users' comments.
Then what the hell happened to me? I use to see posts with the list of tags right next to them, now its a list of tags on top of two rows of posts, followed by more tags. Is there something going on that im not getting? I fell like the only guy in the room not laughing at the joke.
I just need a copy and past version of someone's CSS Code so i can navigate the site like i use too cause what i am getting now is just supid.
Then what the hell happened to me? I use to see posts with the list of tags right next to them, now its a list of tags on top of two rows of posts, followed by more tags. Is there something going on that im not getting? I fell like the only guy in the room not laughing at the joke.
I just need a copy and past version of someone's CSS Code so i can navigate the site like i use too cause what i am getting now is just supid.
Move to topic #9127, provide a screenshot, OS and browser versions. That sounds like a bug and has nothing to do with custom CSS.
Move to topic #9127, provide a screenshot, OS and browser versions. That sounds like a bug and has nothing to do with custom CSS.
Thanks for the info, but I sort of indirectly fixed the problem. I upgraded to windows 10 and that fixed the problem somehow, the sites back to normal now.
Question. Does anyone know a custon CSS code that would use a "web font" to override Verdana as the default font for Danbooru in multiple devices? I've been only using local fonts from my computer only and not all of those fonts are installed my gadgets, especially my Android phone.