For the record, I'm aware that I got very cynical in my previous post in this thread, but those weren't things I would say without reason or observation of this and past discussions, and I'm sure the same applies to Hillside Moose. I've certainly been more subtle before, but I'm not going to take back any of what I said. There were past incidents involving singular users where I was more quiet or didn't respond until the last second, leaving me to feel partly responsible for what transpired. Now, I'd rather be more straight and open with my thoughts.
Type-kun said:
More than that, knowing how he tends to approve things at the last second before the posts fall to abyss forever, I can't help but wonder if each and every post under approver:Not_One_Of_Us was deemed bad enough by other approvers?
Sometimes, it's not "bad", the reason could be "average" instead. Personally, my reasons for hiding a post can range from "this is okay, but I don't think it fits the site" to "this is just mediocre" to "this is bad, no". It's not a constant. In a way, I may not approve a post for the same reasons. And while this may not matter to other approvers, I feel approving a post is a way of signing off on it and saying "I think this belongs on the site", more so since the name of the approver is displayed to the left of the post.
It sounds self-conscious, but that's how I've operated. There was a point where I initially thought I would be judged on my approvals after becoming a Janitor and was careful about what I approved, but that wasn't the case and became slightly more relaxed about the role.
Toks said:
I think the mod queue has some kind of 'disapprovals' system where each individual janitor can disapprove a post in order to hide it from their own view on the mod queue. Maybe we can just make these disapprovals visible in the pending notification or something? That would let uploaders know how many janitors saw their upload and thought "not good enough". (It seems fellow janitors can already see this when they're on the mod queue, it shows the number of disapprovals each post has. Not visible on the post's show page though.)
However, the disapprovals system doesn't currently have comments where the janitor can say why they rejected it. Perhaps we can add a comment field to the table for this.
It is true that from the outside (or inside, really) the moderation queue doesn't explicitly communicate what an approver thinks when hiding or approving a post. In a past thread, there was concern over Janitor coverage and Touhou's popularity was mentioned. So I came in and mentioned that I won't judge based on Touhou alone, just art quality. I don't know if it had any effect on the discussion, but it felt good to explain my position.
As transparency goes, a system along these lines doesn't sound like a bad idea going forward. But even if communications get opened among approvers in that fashion without any changes, then it sort of just feels like a new feature being added.
NWSiaCB said:
Isn't that largely the same as saying that Danbooru should just be Gelbooru, but with a score filter?
If that's the argument, what's the point in having janitors or deletions at all? This seems more like a capitulation than anything.
Right, there's more than enough overlapping approval coverage right now, which makes me ask, "What's the point?" That's how I feel about hiding posts in the queue right now: no impact, no effect, because of the knowledge that they'll probably going to get approved anyway (flagging aside, but I've said why I dislike using it for that purpose). That extends into not wanting to bother with the Mod Queue at all at times.
I get that my main role as a Janitor is to shape what gets approved, but that factor makes it seem that there's less responsibility to the role than there could be, or was at one point.