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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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fossilnix said:

Posts I favorited as a regular member didn't have their scores increased when I was promoted; but if I unfavorite them now, their scores still decrease.

Issue known since... forever and probably won't be fixed.
If you're feeling bad aboud decreased scores of your unfavorited pics then upvote them manually as you have now right to do so.

As I understand it, the system only keeps track of who voted for what for about a month or so; so any information about what class a given user was more than a month ago would have been thrown out as well.

Kikimaru said:

Is the "Q" (search) keyboard shortcut broken for anyone else?

Works for me.

Note that it only works for main search bars like the ones on /posts, /tags, /pools etc. It doesn't work on quick search bars like the ones on /comments, /notes etc.

Toks said:

Works for me.

Note that it only works for main search bars like the ones on /posts, /tags, /pools etc. It doesn't work on quick search bars like the ones on /comments, /notes etc.

I tried Chrome in Incognito mode and it's still not working for me (Win 8.1).

Q will select the search bar but won't let me type anything.
Moreover, Q will also disable the WASD and R shortcuts.

I've received one or two "PG::QueryCanceled exception raised" over the last few days.

ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
/var/www/danbooru2/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.8/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:822:in `async_exec'
/var/www/danbooru2/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.8/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:822:in `block in exec_no_cache'

Does anyone else have problems with some pages with translation notes crashing in Chrome? The only solution I have found is to open the page in IE to read the notes.

Apologies, if this is known or covered elsewhere, my forum search found nothing.

Searchwanted said:

I noticed that when I try entering touhou and spoilers in the search bar, the engine times out. Why?

This isn't a bug, per se; the problem is that out of 441000 pictures tagged "touhou" and 12000 tagged "spoilers," there are only around 140 tagged with both. I can't remember the thread, but someone familiar with the internal workings of the site recently said that searching for the small overlap of large tags is, by nature, intensive on the database and requires a large timeout to complete.

You might have more success in searching touhou spoilers limit:1. As far as I know, the limit tag is available to regular members and doesn't count against the two-tag limit. By asking for fewer pictures per page, the limit metatag tends to reduce the burden of a search; but there's no guarantee it'll work in this particular case.

Since you're looking for pictures directly relating to forbidden scrollery, you could try searching for that directly, but it looks like we only have one spoiler picture for that I can see that you've already found it. So if you do happen find another, please be sure to tag it~

(You might be better off just waiting for the chapter's scanlation to come out and reading it for yourself, in all honesty.)

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