hex maniac (pokemon) in top right? Obvs we don't know this character yet, but considering the Chandelure in the scene (which she might be running after), the gothic fashion, the same black/eggplant(?) color with purple accents... she does look like an aged up Hex Maniac imo. But we'll have to wait and see
Seem that the sharty decided to raid danbooru.... Althrough I agree that Nerrel's MM3D review is just a huge pile of irrelevant nitpicking and the AVGN's MM review make me realize that the remake fixed way more thing than it broke.
Seem that the sharty decided to raid danbooru.... Althrough I agree that Nerrel's MM3D review is just a huge pile of irrelevant nitpicking and the AVGN's MM review make me realize that the remake fixed way more thing than it broke.
Word. If not for MM's tips system, I would've given up on it. Having to find a seahorse is bullshit.
Even a decade would make Lunasia lose interest in the Commander and its not like she somehow found a way to observe the Commander along with that blasted OGAS entity all this time... right?