


NNescio said:

Backscratchers are literally called "grandchild's hand" in Japanese.

Now time to figure out how on earth to adapt this into English...

good luck on that front :DogeKek:
Moonspeaker probs knows how to dance on that one.

Pretty sure with these three cooperating that backscratch, a certain strap probs snapped at that point.

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    Woozle said:

    that's a bit weird, priority ships are usually blueprints only right? Halford was actually finished and saw service in the configuration depicted

    The Halford was outfitted with a catapult meant to launch scout planes, but was deemed unfeasible before she was converted into a standard DD.

    The WoWS version, which this one is based off, basically asked "but what if it works?". In simple terms, she's a fanfic version of a real ship.

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    Valentine322 said:

    The Halford was outfitted with a catapult meant to launch scout planes, but was deemed unfeasible before she was converted into a standard DD.

    The WoWS version, which this one is based off, basically asked "but what if it works?". In simple terms, she's a fanfic version of a real ship.

    Then there's Tromp just casually directing parabomb squadrons and lobbing torpedoes

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    Valentine322 said:

    The Halford was outfitted with a catapult meant to launch scout planes, but was deemed unfeasible before she was converted into a standard DD.

    The WoWS version, which this one is based off, basically asked "but what if it works?". In simple terms, she's a fanfic version of a real ship.

    USS Steven, Halford's sister actually launched a plane on an operational mission, while Halford was only on sea trials in this configuration, the concept worked but it wasn't deemed necessary what with the sheer amount of carriers we had on stocks. Honestly I'd rather have seen either one as an event ship and something more silly for this PR slot, the problem is the US simply lacks truly silly blueprint ships, if only world of warships implemented some of the ridiculous US WW1 or interwar designs like the Tillmans or the S-584-166 submersible 8" cruiser.

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