Most SOBs in the entire world? Not even close. Even at the same time Hitler was in power, Stalin was killing off several TIMES more innocent civilians in his own soviet countries. In barely over a year he starved 10 million Ukrainian civilians to death cutting off all their food supplies simply because he considered them disobedient to the Soviets. Yet we are supposed to believe Hitler may or may not have killed 6 million jews and he is the "most SOB in the entire world"? He wasn't even the "most SOB" of his lifetime, let alone ever.
Diomedes said: Most SOBs in the entire world? Not even close. Even at the same time Hitler was in power, Stalin was killing off several TIMES more innocent civilians in his own soviet countries. In barely over a year he starved 10 million Ukrainian civilians to death cutting off all their food supplies simply because he considered them disobedient to the Soviets. Yet we are supposed to believe Hitler may or may not have killed 6 million jews and he is the "most SOB in the entire world"? He wasn't even the "most SOB" of his lifetime, let alone ever.
I agree with that. Killing innocents you believe to be your enemies is bad. Killing innocents that are your own people, that's worse.
7/26 is Ghost Day! It's a commemorative day established in honor of the first performance of the play Yotsuya Kaidan at the Tลkaidล about 200 years ago!
This Yotsuya Kaidan is "a kabuki play, but it is said that those who perform it end up hurt....
Just to clear up any potential misunderstandings: According to the next (as of time of writing, untranslated) comic, this is the Teio x Trainer timeline, so Rudolf isn't dating the trainer here.
They need a canvas shelter on top. I don't know if kettenkraftrads had such an accessory, but it would seem uncharacteristically highly negligent if they didn't consider this.
They need a canvas shelter on top. I don't know if kettenkraftrads had such an accessory, but it would seem uncharacteristically highly negligent if they didn't consider this.
Gotta feel bad for Thiollier, but props to him for making peace with getting ghosted in favor of the PC enough to reenter as an ally for the climatic showdowns at least.
Fun fact: ants can live up to 24 hours without oxygen, and more if they're on cold climate because that will lower their metabolism rate! Anyway, this page points out ANOTHER size contradiction with early pages' ants.
i have blacklisted the "furry" tag because i'm just not into it, specially porn of it, nor i've never been interested in a character with more % of beast on them than the human part, but this character is actually pretty cool and i like him, still not looking for hentai but i'm more than ok in seeing this type of images of him, is there a way for me to keep or modify the blacklisted furry tag but being able to see the sfw stuff? and no, black listing the rating:explicit/sensitive/questionable is not what i'm looking for, i still want to see boobs and all from not furry characters :TakoNeuron:
i have blacklisted the "furry" tag because i'm just not into it, specially porn of it, nor i've never been interested in a character with more % of beast on them than the human part, but this character is actually pretty cool and i like him, still not looking for hentai but i'm more than ok in seeing this type of images of him, is there a way for me to keep or modify the blacklisted furry tag but being able to see the sfw stuff? and no, black listing the rating:explicit/sensitive/questionable is not what i'm looking for, i still want to see boobs and all from not furry characters :TakoNeuron:
Just tack on -rating:g at after furry in your list. That'll make it so only general rated furries will show up.
Just tack on -rating:g at after furry in your list. That'll make it so only general rated furries will show up.
it worked perfectly, thanks a lot! even after using this site for god knows how many years there's still things i don't know how to do so really appreciated for the help!
it worked perfectly, thanks a lot! even after using this site for god knows how many years there's still things i don't know how to do so really appreciated for the help!
Two pages that may be of interest to you are help:cheatsheet for more info on searches (there's a list of "free" tags near the bottom that's of special interest for Members) and help:blacklists for examples on what the blacklist can and can't do.
Fluttershy & Gir art irrationally irritates me. I can't describe how different the internet felt in the 00s vs. the 10s, yet people act like MLP G4 is so "y2k scenecore." How to say you're too young to remember anything without saying you're too young to remember anything...